The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from southern Indiana

Chris V-3

Shave Newbie
I saw the link to this forum in the CBL web site and here I am. I have been wet shaving off and on since the mid 1960's. I lived in San Diego my first 43 years, then lived in Tucson for 6 years and have been in southern Indiana since 1999. I'm pretty much a vintage razor guy.
@Chris V-3 Welcome to TSC! And thanks for clicking that link and stopping by! I think you will find that there are some of the best and kindest wet shavers here at TSC! So pull up a chair and a drink (well maybe a's a little early) and jump into a conversation! Thanks again for joining and posting. Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome aboard. Good to see a vintage person here. All these young guys with their new toys.
Welcome Chris! I must have a pretty awesome name, being a Chris myself! :cool:
Love the photos, you seem to be fitting PERFECTLY already. Vintage yardley is great stuff, the original scent is usually long gone but something about that old musty (maybe mold spore) scent really draws me in. I like to collect the old wood tubs when I can get them at good prices (sometimes I get a sliver of the old soap in them too) and either do a full restore or just lightly clean and coat them for future use. Putting other vintage soaps (or?) in them isn’t quite the same but it is still nice.

Until recently I had never been aware of the Pomco slant, then another member (and new vendor worth looking into)here @Techichi posted a little info about them a ladies version he picked up I feel like I’m missing out. I had always wanted to find a Hofritz slant now I guess I can add Pomco to the look list.

cool gear.
Welcome, Chris! I'm looking forward to seeing what other vintage stuff you have.

Howdy and welcome! Let’s see, that makes 3 Chrises? About time we get another Dave...
We can barely handle like the 4 we have now. :ROFLMAO:
I’ve got a Pomco Slant as well! It’s one of the first razors I ever found in the wild. It didn’t serve me well in the beginning. I felt it was too aggressive. I’ve been meaning to pull it out and give it another try. I’ll queue it up for tomorrow!
Love the photos, you seem to be fitting PERFECTLY already. Vintage yardley is great stuff, the original scent is usually long gone but something about that old musty (maybe mold spore) scent really draws me in. I like to collect the old wood tubs when I can get them at good prices (sometimes I get a sliver of the old soap in them too) and either do a full restore or just lightly clean and coat them for future use. Putting other vintage soaps (or?) in them isn’t quite

I had always wanted to find a Hofritz slant now I guess I can add Pomco to the look list

I think that the Hofritz slant is very similar to the Pomco.