The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from South Florida


Shave Member
My name is Steve and I am a resident of South Florida. I returned to wet shaving about 4 years ago after about 30 years of electric razor usage. My return coincided with the terminal illness of my wife. Wet shaving with the ritual and luxury allowed a brief respite from her illness and ultimate death. As time has passed, I have gotten to a much better place in my life.

I have visited TSC in the past but had spent most of my time in an older forum. It became time for a change after a long time member and the provider of great information through his informative and entertaining shave-offs was banned from the other forum. I don’t know why he was banned but do know that he was responsible for me finding my everyday go to razor (Timeless Titanium 0.68) and will always be grateful for the great information he and others disseminated.

I look forward to being a regular reader and contributor to this forum.
Welcome Steve! Thanks for piping in and sharing you’re story. I’m sorry for your loss, but also happy for you that you’ve found some measure of fortitude!

Glad you could be here!
Steve. awesome. First off, sorry for the loss of your wife. But happy you found us, and our little sanctuary on the web. Welcome to The Cadre!
Great to have you Steve. Could you send some warmth up here to Maine?

Sorry for your loss. Few things are as painful as the loss of a spouse.
Welcome to the Cadre, Steve !! So sorry to read about your wife. I too became more involved in the forums when needing a diversion while my wife had some health difficulties. She is better now but has ongoing problems at times and I never know when. It's a nice hobby filled with good people. Glad you found us here (y)
Welcome to the Cadre, Steve !! So sorry to read about your wife. I too became more involved in the forums when needing a diversion while my wife had some health difficulties. She is better now but has ongoing problems at times and I never know when. It's a nice hobby filled with good people. Glad you found us here (y)
Glad your wife recovered! The forums and the zen like experience are welcome distractions particularly when it relates to something that was much closer to chore than enjoyment.
Welcome sir! I hope you find the cadre as a 2nd home full of support and sass.
Welcome to the Cadre. I hope you find it as fun I have these past few months.

I cannot begin to imagine the pain. I am so sorry for your loss... My deepest condolences.
Steve @SM29 Glad you found your way to our humble corner of the interwebz! Thank you for sharing your story with is tragic and my heart goes out to you. But your story shows all of us that comfort can come in unlikely places. Thank you so much for being part of the cadre! Welcome to TSC!
Steve @SM29 Glad you found your way to our humble corner of the interwebz! Thank you for sharing your story with is tragic and my heart goes out to you. But your story shows all of us that comfort can come in unlikely places. Thank you so much for being part of the cadre! Welcome to TSC!
Thank you. And as a Gator, I’m rooting for the non Nick Saran coached SEC team to win the national championship.