The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Nassau county New York


Shave Newbie

Love my old Gillettes as well as a few modern DE safety razors. Started shaving with cartridges razors as a youngster, in the mid 70's, Not knowing any better. I bought ,about 2011-12, via mail that razor sold by Rick of "Pawn Stars" $20 a good start. Things kept improving from there and as they say "the rest is history"
James (JKshaves)
Welcome to the Cadre, James! The Dave's don't bite. (You'll meet them soon and understand 🤪:ROFLMAO:) Jump into a thread or two and don't be shy.
Dave's rolling in, Welcome to the Cadre !! Glad the Pawn Stars razor at least got people to investigate more than their razor 🤪 Glad you are here !!
Welcome James, familiarize yourself with the TOU and if you have any questions please feel free to contact Chad, Chris or myself. Have a good time and glad to have you here
Welcome to the site. I too hail from Nassau County. That's a big county though. Covers both the North and South shores and everything in between. Grew up in Rockville Centre. You'll like this place. Good group of guys.
Glad you found our humble little corner of the inter-webz James! Welcome to TSC!