The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Naples, Italy

mr. smith

Shave Newbie
Hey everyone! My name is Josh and I live in Naples, Italy. I am from Michigan. I am currently living here with my wife and two boys while working. I have been a wet-shaver for about three years and am on a few of the other forums i.e. DFS, ATG, and FB groups. This forum appears to fly under the radar or something because I had never heard of it until the other day. I look forward to chatting with everyone. I do see some familiar names and that's great. I hope everyone is staying as safe as can be.


Welcome to The Cadre! We’re a very chill group. I think you’ll like it here.

I’m originally from MI as well. Grew up in Lowell.... near GR.
Welcome Josh! Glad you could join!

What kind of shave gear you into am currently?
Welcome to TSC Josh

Great to have you here.

I like Italian soaps and creams a lot. Hope to hear about some that you are using or looking to acquire.
Welcome Josh.

Glad you could find our corner of the internet amongst the COVID-19 stuff. Looks like you could tell us stories after what we've seen on the news from Italy.

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