The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Los Angeles and other forums


Shave Newbie
Hi guys,

I'm Zac and have been in the wet shave boom since 6 years ago. It was fun to ride the craze but now I just shoot for more consistent shaves with less gear rotation of. I allow a few new items in every once in a while. I pretty much just shave with SV and use a handful of 3 band silver tips and HMW knots. I look forward to contributing to the various threads. Cheers my friends (y)
Glad you found us Zac! Can't argue with you shave philosophy or your gear...Top Notch stuff there. I think you will find that this place has members with all sorts of Philosophies! Sit back and jump in a conversation. We can't wait to hear what you have to Say! Welcome to TSC!
Hey there Zac. Sounds like you make each shave a luxurious one.
Welcome to the Cadre. Happy to have you here!
Welcome Zac! Solid software and brushes...what kinds of razors do you like?
Hey Zac, welcome to the Cadre! We started out about the same time, and I am in a similar place: limited gear, but too many soaps!
Man, I'm not quite as minimal as you, but I hear you. I think that's why I've found this to be such a great forum, there's a lot more to it here than just showing off your latest acquisition.

FWIW I'm a former So Cal guy, it's still in the blood, even if I have to wear more jackets where I am now.