The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Gallatin, TN


"Like BarberDave… I make my own fun”
Greetings everyone! I'm happy to be here. I'm 52 years old and live about 15 miles NE of Nashville, TN. I've been wetshaving for about 8 years after growing up hating cartridges. I have a small collection of 14 razors, half modern, half vintage. My current favorite is the Rex Envoy, but I also love my NEW SC. I enjoy collecting soaps and Aftershaves, I don't mind the scent of Tabac, or Lilac Vegetal, although I don't wear Lilac Vegetal out, lest I offend a stranger's nose. My favorite soap is Martin de Candre Agrumes, my favorite cream is TOBS Grapefruit. I also have a thing for Proraso Red.

I'm excited to have found this forum!!

Have a great shave!!

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Welcome to the Cadre! Your small razor collection is almost 4x what I have, and I love your taste in soaps and creams. (y)
Howdy and welcome. Can I say I’ve been to Tennessee once and I don’t understand boiled peanuts?
Howdy and welcome. Can I say I’ve been to Tennessee once and I don’t understand boiled peanuts?
I'm with you. I like them pretty much any other way though!

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Welcome to The Cadre! My in-laws and I stop in Nashville on our way to South Carolina every other year. I also like Proraso Red, however it hasn't gotten much use since my SAD has been out of control and I have been trying everything that I have recently required. You joined a great group here and I hope you explore the forum a little bit!

Glad you joined us here

Look forward to having you here. I think you will like this forum as well.
Thanks everyone for the kind greetings! I'm happy I found you folks!

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