The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Florida

Originally started with SRP back when it was a Yahoo group. Left on my own after seeing too much shenanigans from the group owner and the mindless followers. Got disenchanted with shaving forums because of it. Took about a decade and I eventually joined B&B in 2013. Seen some heavy handed modding there. I'm not a fan of groupthink, not all products work for everyone and you shouldn't be insulted for not liking certain products, or daring questioning overly complicated honing techniques.
Originally started with SRP back when it was a Yahoo group. Left on my own after seeing too much shenanigans from the group owner and the mindless followers. Got disenchanted with shaving forums because of it. Took about a decade and I eventually joined B&B in 2013. Seen some heavy handed modding there. I'm not a fan of groupthink, not all products work for everyone and you shouldn't be insulted for not liking certain products, or daring questioning overly complicated honing techniques.
Sounds like you finally found home. Hope you enjoy yourself here šŸ˜‰
On a stainless steel kick as of late. Re-aquired a Weber PH, have a Blackland Blackbird, Game Changer 84 safety bar and open comb, Lupo DLC. Trying to pare down to a smaller number my favs. Think the GC safety bar and Lupo may get shelved for now. I've dabbled with injectors and the Razorock Eco, both interesting and enjoyable shaves. I like Bic, Lord and Shark blades. Arko sticks, Palmolive Lather, I've grown away from artisan soaps. I may someday get back into straights, but I got bored with honing. When you buy too many straights when starting out, you feel obligated to hone them up and the constant honing gets old.