The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello all!

My membership was approved a while ago and I've been super busy, so I haven't posted until now. I've been wet shaving on and off for 20 years, when I don't have a beard. I recently began using a straight periodically rather than my DE. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with it. I'm glad to be a part of the group!

Welcome Jim! Glad you could join up.

Good job for putting yourself up to the challenge of an SR. Keep it up!
Awesome to have you here Jim!! Keep at it with the SR, it will definitely keep the shaves from getting monotonous! Great avatar with your daughter, I'm guessing?
So happy you found us here Jim. These guys around here will keep you on your toes so watch out! But they also offer lots of suggestions for straight razor shaving! Welcome to the cadre!
Welcome to this awesome place on the net. Don’t hesitate to ask anything the advice you will get is invaluable in the wet shaving world!
Welcome, good to have you here. Which city is the cherry city?
Hi Jim, welcome to TSC! Good group of folks here that love to have fun and sharing our passion for shaving. Hope you join in!
Google shows possibly Salem,OR
Just saw on his pics from Crater Lake he has a soap from there. Yep, Salem. Which is odd to me. I pretty much grew up in Oregon and never heard of that.