The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello all


Shave Newbie
I've lurked about here for a short while after hearing very positive things about this group from another forum I frequent (won't mention any names).
A little history: I'm old enough to have started shaving with a DE razor, a hand-me-down Fatboy from my step father. He thought using a soap and brush was stupid and a waste of time; I've been using them ever since. Over the years I strayed from a DE and did the cartridge thing like most folks, but stuck with soap and brush. About 12 years ago, I drifted back to using a DE razor.

Here's some of my favorite stuff (current):

DE razor: Razorock Game Changer (.68)
SE Razor: Colonial General SS
Adj: Parker Variant
Straight/Shavette: Feather Japanese style (this is a new adventure). I also have 2 Dovo straights which I use ocassionally
Brush: Plisson synthetic
Soap: Tcheon Fung Sing (recently started exploring Veg. based soaps after years of tallow soaps)
Blades: Feather, Red IP, Derby, Schick Proline
AS: right now I'm using Fine Green Vetiver

Anyway, glad to be here!
Welcome to TSC @DesertTime!
There are some really great non-tallow soaps out there. Some IMHO perform as well or better that any tallow that I've used.
Welcome to TSC @DesertTime!
There are some really great non-tallow soaps out there. Some IMHO perform as well or better that any tallow that I've used.
I agree. I just finished a tin of Saponificio Veresino 70th Anniversary Edition and it was superb, as good as anything I've ever used. I'm currently on my second jar of TFS and it's terrific, too. I might like it as much as the SV at less than half the cost.

I'm also waiting on a jar of Phoenix Artisan Accoutrement's CK-6 formulation, which I've read very positive reviews.