The Shaving Cadre

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Happy New Year Cadre 2022


“They call me Chingo”
As we all prepare around the world to move forward into the new year. We are faced with reflecting on where we were. So instead of resolutions because those don't always work although for the first time ever in 2021 I completed my new year's resolution.

So answer these two questions.

What are you grateful for that happened in 2021?

What are you looking forward to in 2022?
Well I guess I'll go first.

What I'm grateful for: 2021 was an interesting year while I got laid off and then ended up back at the company making more money, I literally hate my job and am giving myself 6 months. I'm applying for new jobs and looking into other options. But 2021 included a lot of family vacation, my family has relatively remained healthy, we got to make some new friends from Arizona, had some other friends up from Arizona for Thanksgiving, I further my referee career, completed my 2021 resolution, and had a very successful year as Grand Knight of my Knights of Columbus council. I am most grateful for my family my wife and kids and love watching my family grow. I also rekindled a relationship with my brother. So with all the negatives 2021 really wasn't that bad.

2022: I'm looking forward to more vacations! Time with my family, expanding my faith, and furthering my referee career. But most of all I'm hoping and praying my family maintains it's health.

Also I am still continually grateful for all the friendships the cadre has brought me! I love this place and am eternally grateful that Dave, Chris, and I put this site together. TSC is a big part of my life and I can't wait for our meet up.
What I‘m grateful for: I know it’s cliché to say “my friends and family” - I truly am. This year has brought so much strife and uncertainty and its nice to have that anchor. I lost two very close friends - one to COVID and one to an automobile accident - and it drove home that we need to hold close what is near and dear to us. I am grateful to this site and to the hobby itself - both bring great fun and enjoyment. I am most appreciative to the friends I have made though the hobby - and the ability to appreciate others’ perspectives and other hobbies as well. And I’m grateful for every citrus and boozy scent out there!

What I’m looking forward to in 2022: I’m looking forward to my new job and new challenge - working for my old boss who I really appreciate her friendship and her leadership. I’ve been blessed to have some very good bosses along the way - which help even for the not so fun jobs. I’m looking forward to watching my kids grow into adulthood - One of my sons graduates high school in 2022 and my youngest will be a senior. And on the shaving side - I’m looking forward to experiencing a new tool that I have had my eye on for several years and looks to be within reach. And I am looking forward to CBL’s next two Princess Bride releases………since my luck they’ll come out during the sabbatical - I hope Aidan has the sense to buy them😆
Happy New Year, everyone!

Much like 2020, 2021 was a tough year but there were still some positives. My wife was WFH for almost the entire year (something we both loved) and we grew even closer than before with the extra time we spent together. Lunchtime walks were an added bonus and she now looks forward to walking in the snow on trails rather than dreading going from the porch to the car when there was a skim of snow on the driveway. Even with Covid threatening at every corner, we are both healthier now than at the end of 2019.

In 2022, I am looking forward to seeing more friends and family (I hope) and continuing exploring the great outdoors with my wife.
Thanks Chad, as well as others, for sharing!

2020 was an especially hard year for me. 2021 proved to be no easier. Unfortunately, I have learned to be a very cynical man this past year. But 2020 ushered in the single most important thing in my daughter. And while I was getting acquainted with Amelie those first few months of her life in was 2021 that my heart overfilled with love for her. She is amazing...a true miracle in this very strange world of ours. In 2021, I am most thankful for her.

2022 I am sure will present new challenges, new hardships, and new obstacles. But I look forward to becoming a better father to Amelie. I look forward to being a force for my daughter. To share with her some of the joys of life and to prepare her for what is ahead of her. I am really looking forward to being the bedrock that she will need in today's world. While I still have my likes and hobbies...they pale in comparison to my love for her. I can't wait for those days that Dad (me) gets to take Daughter (Amelie) to the theater, to get an ice cream cone, to do those things where I get to say, "don't tell mom we did this." My heart fills each day with more love and pride for my daughter, and that I didn't know there was room for more. I expect 2022 to be no different.

I hope each and every one of the Cadre has a happy and most blessed 2022!
I both applaud and Curse my business partner, and 2nd son, for posting this. Normally in these matters I keep most of my emotions close to the vest, and , also normally I would never respond to a thread like this. Reading these entries, however, made me reflect and I decided maybe a purge would be a good idea. Call it a protection method, as you learn, if you have ever served in a forward combat position, to, in a way disassociate and remove feelings from the equation, as if you don't, the horrors, of what you have seen and done will haunt you forever. 2020, and 2021, were much in this way for me. I apologize in advance for what may seem very dark and foreboding, but it does have light for 2022, plus @CVargo, you asked.

2020 was rough on us all, with the unknowns, the rumors, the false and true facts. for me however it was more of a business thing. Yes we were shut down for awhile, but overall life went on. Being retired and okay financially, the closure of Barbers was just a speedbump, in what turned out to be an OK, year, not great, but OK. No-one was afflicted with the pandemic, and I was able to purchase a Barbershop, and things with the TSC were going splendid, so things looked upbeat for 2022.

How wrong I was....... Again, I apologize but this vomitus, and purge is, after much relection, needed, and this is the only place I trust it will be taken in context from what has become for me a fellowship of family. So, at 2359 hrs, my bride and I stood out in the cold, and yelled "%$&* you 2020". This turned out to be an omen that would last all the way to December of 2021 with no quarter, other than a much needed trip during the Thanksgiving holiday to @CVargo and @mvargo 's home, and the precious gift of Kona from @sunnysanity and @uacowboy . Which at the end of the day was really the 2 items that saved our sanity, along with the fellowship of this unique place.

Lets recap 2021 for the Eisenhuth Clan.

1/2021: Food poisoning
2/2021: Sharon's Mom dies in a home fire, and the journey into depression and self blame for both Sharon and I
6/2021: Back Surgery and out for 3-months.
11/2021: DVT Blood Clot due to 2nd vaccination of J&J Vaccine
12.2021: Diagnosis of Type-2 Diabetes.

So, as you can see, both Sharon and I had a wheel barrow full of crap to be pissed at, not to mention, Sharon's retirement and disability fight, which will not be discussed here.

The 1st three items, as well as the 5th, are something we have come to accept, but the 4th item is what I am most angry about. As some of you know I researched, researched, and the researched again, the vaccination, as well as which one, and the benefits to my clients, my family, and so forth. Only to find out I could not get one, due to my age ( take that @CVargo . I was too Young! LOL ). For 4 months, I petitioned my local govt, the county I live in, and the state, to get a vaccination due to the demographics of my clientele. Each time I was denied. Finally it became available, and I jumped. Feeling much better and moving forward the "booster became available", and since I had no issue with the 1st, there was no reason to even suspect I was about to win the 1-10,000,000 lottery. Just before Our planned Thanksgiving trip to See the Vargos I was diagnosed with a DVT femoral/tibial blood clot. After looking at my labs, and how good they were my, PCP indicated that based on those numbers and the lack of history she thought it may be vaccine related, as J&J was known to cause rare issues in women and in a much lesser case men. I blew that off as speculation, and attacked the issue head on with medication, although it was something that very easily if untreated could have killed me. The doctor advised against our trip. I am so glad I told her to shove it, as the trip to @CVargo , and @mvargo 's was actually the saving grace for 2021, as we were able to just release most of the crap that 2021 had thrown to us, and be welcomed as family. Plus it made the Diabetes diagnosis, which came the day we got home, much easier to deal with. Later on however the DVT and diagnosis of the vaccine causing it was proved by a Hematologist

My long winded point is this I did everything I thought was correct, and still in an astronomical outrageous chance, it came back to bite me. Am I still angry at 2021? until last night I was. While sitting on the TSC Zoom call I saw what over the last 2-years, folks that have become brothers, sisters, and family. As you, the Cadre, were our contact points to society, and I believe we all grew closer. We saw joy, births, and tragedy within our membership, but through it all we had each others backs, both in emotional support , as well as spiritual.

The only thing that remains, and sadly it is what I see as the biggest problem with 2021 is how people have become to each other, mean, angry, lack of caring and compassion, selfish, and divided. As @dangerousdon mention, it created a cynicism in me that I did not appreciate, I felt dirty and uncaring. However, my faith, and ( read the paragraph above ) illustrated to me that there is still so much GOOD in people, you just have to read between the lines. So when someone asks the question what am I thankful for? It is 2021! WHAT? Yes, that is what I said. Without the tribulation, both personal, and societal, I would not have seen past my own anger, and cynicism, to see my faith, my family, and the biggest thing HOPE and confidence in who we are.

So what am I thankful for? The proof ( at least as my faith allows me to believe ) that GOD will test us, and if we are lucky enough he will reveal why he made it so tough. That epiphany came to me yesterday, when I hear negativity all around, as was able to look past it to the positive, and let go of the anger, resentment, and problems I may have. I just will not allow, or at least I will make a concerted effort, negativity to enter my life. I am not much on resolutions, as you either do it , or don't, but I guess what I just wrote is that resolution. To let positivity, and light dominated 2022 for me, my family, and freinds, and ignore or shove the rest of it down the trash.

There..... Purged and lighter.

Happy New Year Cadre Family. In large part because of you we were able to make it.

Thanks for being members of my extended family and for all you do
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I both applaud and Curse my business partner, and 2nd son, for posting this. Normally in these matters I keep most of my emotions close to the vest, and , also normally I would never respond to a thread like this. Reading these entries, however, made me reflect and I decided maybe a purge would be a good idea. Call it a protection method, as you learn, if you have ever served in a forward combat position, to, in a way disassociate and remove feelings from the equation, as if you don't, the horrors, of what you have seen and done will haunt you forever. 2020, and 2021, were much in this way for me. I apologize in advance for what may seem very dark and foreboding, but it does have light for 2022, plus @CVargo, you asked.

2020 was rough on us all, with the unknowns, the rumors, the false and true facts. for me however it was more of a business thing. Yes we were shut down for awhile, but overall life went on. Being retired and okay financially, the closure of Barbers was just a speedbump, in what turned out to be an OK, year, not great, but OK. No-one was afflicted with the pandemic, and I was able to purchase a Barbershop, and things with the TSC were going splendid, so things looked upbeat for 2022.

How wrong I was....... Again, I apologize but this vomitus, and purge is, after much relection, needed, and this is the only place I trust it will be taken in context from what has become for me a fellowship of family. So, at 2359 hrs, my bride and I stood out in the cold, and yelled "%$&* you 2020". This turned out to be an omen that would last all the way to December of 2021 with no quarter, other than a much needed trip during the Thanksgiving holiday to @CVargo and @mvargo 's home, and the precious gift of Kona from @sunnysanity and @uacowboy . Which at the end of the day was really the 2 items that saved our sanity, along with the fellowship of this unique place.

Lets recap 2021 for the Eisenhuth Clan.

1/2021: Food poisoning
2/2021: Sharon's Mom dies in a home fire, and the journey into depression and self blame for both Sharon and I
6/2021: Back Surgery and out for 3-months.
11/2021: DVT Blood Clot due to 2nd vaccination of J&J Vaccine
12.2021: Diagnosis of Type-2 Diabetes.

So, as you can see, both Sharon and I had a wheel barrow full of crap to be pissed at, not to mention, Sharon's retirement and disability fight, which will not be discussed here.

The 1st three items, as well as the 5th, are something we have come to accept, but the 4th item is what I am most angry about. As some of you know I researched, researched, and the researched again, the vaccination, as well as which one, and the benefits to my clients, my family, and so forth. Only to find out I could not get one, due to my age ( take that @CVargo . I was too Young! LOL ). For 4 months, I petitioned my local govt, the county I live in, and the state, to get a vaccination due to the demographics of my clientele. Each time I was denied. Finally it became available, and I jumped. Feeling much better and moving forward the "booster became available", and since I had no issue with the 1st, there was no reason to even suspect I was about to win the 1-10,000,000 lottery. Just before Our planned Thanksgiving trip to See the Vargos I was diagnosed with a DVT femoral/tibial blood clot. After looking at my labs, and how good they were my, PCP indicated that based on those numbers and the lack of history she thought it may be vaccine related, as J&J was known to cause rare issues in women and in a much lesser case men. I blew that off as speculation, and attacked the issue head on with medication, although it was something that very easily if untreated could have killed me. The doctor advised against our trip. I am so glad I told her to shove it, as the trip to @CVargo , and @mvargo 's was actually the saving grace for 2021, as we were able to just release most of the crap that 2021 had thrown to us, and be welcomed as family. Plus it made the Diabetes diagnosis, which came the day we got home, much easier to deal with. Later on however the DVT and diagnosis of the vaccine causing it was proved by a Hematologist

My long winded point is this I did everything I thought was correct, and still in an astronomical outrageous chance, it came back to bite me. Am I still angry at 2021? until last night I was. While sitting on the TSC Zoom call I saw what over the last 2-years, folks that have become brothers, sisters, and family. As you, the Cadre, were our contact points to society, and I believe we all grew closer. We saw joy, births, and tragedy within our membership, but through it all we had each others backs, both in emotional support , as well as spiritual.

The only thing that remains, and sadly it is what I see as the biggest problem with 2021 is how people have become to each other, mean, angry, lack of caring and compassion, selfish, and divided. As @dangerousdon mention, it created a cynicism in me that I did not appreciate, I felt dirty and uncaring. However, my faith, and ( read the paragraph above ) illustrated to me that there is still so much GOOD in people, you just have to read between the lines. So when someone asks the question what am I thankful for? It is 2021! WHAT? Yes, that is what I said. Without the tribulation, both personal, and societal, I would not have seen past my own anger, and cynicism, to see my faith, my family, and the biggest thing HOPE and confidence in who we are.

So what am I thankful for? The proof ( at least as my faith allows me to believe ) that GOD will test us, and if we are lucky enough he will reveal why he made it so tough. That epiphany came to me yesterday, when I hear negativity all around, as was able to look past it to the positive, and let go of the anger, resentment, and problems I may have. I just will not allow, or at least I will make a concerted effort, negativity to enter my life. I am not much on resolutions, as you either do it , or don't, but I guess what I just wrote is that resolution. To let positivity, and light dominated 2022 for me, my family, and freinds, and ignore or shove the rest of it down the trash.

There..... Purged and lighter.

Happy New Year Cadre Family. In large part because of you we were able to make it.

Thanks for being members of my extended family and for all you do
Thank you for sharing Dave. You will always be family to me. For this I am thankful!