The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from the Granite State


Shave Newbie
Excited to Join the Community! I’ve been a wet shaver for 19+ years and have dabbled on and off with straights for the past 15 yrs. Recently I stumbled on Barber Dave’s youtube series and also watched the Drinks n Daves episode with CBL and the namesake soap project. Just awesome. Need to place an order!

Today’s shave was with the only tobacco leather soap I have, which is a sample of Noble Otter The Noir et Vanille, with my Worcester MA Torrey Barbers Notch 5/8 razor, Yaki 26mm synthetic brush finished with Thayers and my Floid the Genuine aftershave. The Torrey edge is significant in that is is my first success with a Ardennes Coticule (thanks Dr. Matt)

I have picked up a lot of information out of the SR 101 series elven though I have been doing 3 pass shaves for some time now. One point I never heard made anywhere else before was the moving blade before touchdown, and maintaining contact during clean up. Simple but game changing. Did my first windshield wiper and flat blade touch up which elevated my shave results immediately. Looking forward to whatever comes next! Maybe Ardbeg tonight!IMG_7432.jpeg

"Granite State" is the fifteenth and penultimate episode of the fifth season of Breaking Bad, and the sixty-first episode of the series altogether.
  • This episode was the series' most-watched episode at the time of its airing with 6.58 million U.S. viewers, but was later passed by "Felina", which had 10.28 million.[1]
  • This is the first episode in the series to take place in a snowy, "white" atmosphere. Also mirroring the theme of change in the series.
  • Vince Gilligan originally planned to direct this episode along with "Felina" but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.
  • The "Granite State" is New Hampshire, where Ed sends Walt to start his new life. This was alluded to in the first episode of the season, where Walt's fake ID says he is from New Hampshire. ("Live Free or Die")
  • During the production for the episode, the footage of Walt's phone call to Walter Jr. had to be filmed again because the footage from the first time was accidentally crushed by a 737 after the footage fell out of a truck. Ironically, this is the same plane model as one of the planes from the Wayfarer 515 incident in "ABQ".
  • The bar and cabin in New Hampshire are set in the fictional Crawford County in the White Mountain region. However, there is a well-known mountain pass called "Crawford Notch" that crosses the White Mountains, to which this name probably refers. Various New England writers explored Crawford Notch, including Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Welcome Gran8man!
also watched the Drinks n Daves episode with CBL
Have you picked up any CBL soap yet? It's the real deal. My absolute favorite soap of everything out there. I think I have at least 1-2 of everything he has made.

Glad you decided to join us here on The Cadre. Lots of amazing people here so anything you want to know or need to ask, we're here for you!

Lots to see, read, and get involved with here. We're so much more than just a wet shaving forum. We have so much fun. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! We have a Sumo contest that is about to start as well as a Bingo game if you want to get in on those. And be sure to join our Zoom calls which are every other Sunday.

The forum is a wealth of info and good gentlemanly fun. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our Terms and Conditions Linked Here:

Should you need any assistance in navigating the site or help please contact any of our friendly Concierge Staff.

@Spider , @NurseDave , @heysi , @Fenster

or feel free to reach out to any of the owners of TSC
Welcome Gran8man!

Have you picked up any CBL soap yet? It's the real deal. My absolute favorite soap of everything out there. I think I have at least 1-2 of everything he has made.

Glad you decided to join us here on The Cadre. Lots of amazing people here so anything you want to know or need to ask, we're here for you!

Lots to see, read, and get involved with here. We're so much more than just a wet shaving forum. We have so much fun. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! We have a Sumo contest that is about to start as well as a Bingo game if you want to get in on those. And be sure to join our Zoom calls which are every other Sunday.

The forum is a wealth of info and good gentlemanly fun. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our Terms and Conditions Linked Here:

Should you need any assistance in navigating the site or help please contact any of our friendly Concierge Staff.

@Spider , @NurseDave , @heysi , @Fenster

or feel free to reach out to any of the owners of TSC
@Spider Thanks for the information and warm welcome. I have not yet ordered CBL soaps as I placed another order just before my discovery. I really like the scent library page at CBL to help organize my thoughts. There will be an order soon.

I need to learn more on the site layout sumo and bingo, but the Zoom calls seem fun. I will definitely reach out with questions.

I love Torrey razors, I have more than one just like yours. Early in my journey I honed several of them on Coticule’s and a few on slate stones, they seem to all hone up excellent.
Thanks Chris! I am a long time knife guy and had 500 Bester, 700 Beston, 1,5,8 Shapton Pro’s and 10K SS getting into the razorhoning side. I felt I needed a finisher and recently grabbed an Ardennes Coti not realizing how fickle they can be. Certainly more finesse required in razors over knives anyway. I am still learning how to navigate here, so if you can point me to any member videos or info on coti honing I would be grateful. Also interested in learning about the convex stones. I saw the engineer thread but on the subject but that seems more intense than a Saturday morning casual read.