The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from Minnesota


Shave Member
Greetings all! I have been a part of the straight and DE wet shaving community since 2008 and participated in the art as I refer to it for several years. It's a bit of a long story but I had to go on a let's call it a shaving sabbatical for health reasons for some time and have recently been able to return to the fold. I was looking around and saw a tube vid of a Koraat razor, a brand I hadn't heard of prior by a member/owner here, Barber Dave. So I came over to check out this scene. It seems like a pretty good bunch over here and am happy to have arrived.
Happy you checked us out! I think you will find that the people here at TSC are some of the best-est of wet shavers around! Pull up a chair, grab a drink and jump in a conversation!
Welcome Sean! Glad your back in the game and decided to visit!

What kinds of traditional shaving gear/software are you in to?
Welcome Sean! Glad your back in the game and decided to visit!

What kinds of traditional shaving gear/software are you in to?
Years ago I spent a considerable amount of time on the bay in search of straights that would satisfy this interestingly very addictive hobby/art.
I started off with Norton wetstones and after not getting satisfying results (due to my lack of dexterity at the time), I decided to migrate straight to Shaptons, pardon the pun. So I could focus funds towards shavers. Along the way I started blending in DE's, vintage Gillette's, Merkur's etc. I resolved to stick with Israeli Personna's blades once I learned they worked best for my skin.