The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from Indiana!


Shave Newbie
Hello everyone.

I have been around many of the other shaving fora the past couple of years, but, for whatever reason, did not open an account here. Now, I rectified this and I am glad to be here.

I live in central Indiana and have been traditional wet shaving since late February 2018. Despite the relatively short time, I have a comfortable spot deep in the rabbit hole.

I look forward to interacting with everyone.
Welcome @boilerphan! Glad you could join us!

What are your favorite set ups currently?

Thanks, @GearNoir.

My favorite setup is:

Razor: Wolfman WR2 1.05 SB
Brush: Paladin Vintage Port McInroy Legacy Series Polo
Soap: Lots of scents, but fave artisans are Zingari, Barrister and Mann, Tallow & Steel and Ariana & Evans.
Aftershave splashes: Maol Grooming, Barrister Deltus or A&E
Aftershave balms: Zingari all the way
Usually bowl lather in my copper Captain's Choice bowl.
Thanks, @GearNoir.

My favorite setup is:

Razor: Wolfman WR2 1.05 SB
Brush: Paladin Vintage Port McInroy Legacy Series Polo
Soap: Lots of scents, but fave artisans are Zingari, Barrister and Mann, Tallow & Steel and Ariana & Evans.
Aftershave splashes: Maol Grooming, Barrister Deltus or A&E
Aftershave balms: Zingari all the way
Usually bowl lather in my copper Captain's Choice bowl.
High class! Nice!
Beautiful brush! And we probably walked by each other back then and never knew it, haha! I was most likely using a Gillette Atra. And sporting a mustache that dreamed of being Tom Selleck but was really just grunge