The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from Belgium


Shave Newbie
Hi Guys, never even heard about this forum but someone mentioned it on another one so had a look and registered. My alias Snuff might be familiar to some as I use it on many forums. (btw it's the name they give me when I was in the military (forward observer with the Para-Commando regiment and also dog handler. Most of the times smoking was not allowed for obvious reasons and I became a avid user of Snuff Tobacco)

Been shaving for almost 50 years now. Use Straights, shavettes, DE's, SE's you name it. Always shave twice a day (head and face). Have a nice shave, cheers Ron
Welcome Rob! Glad you could join us!

Twice daily for shaves? Very nice! What’s your poison for soaps, frags, and brushes?
Welcome Rob! Glad you could join us!

Twice daily for shaves? Very nice! What’s your poison for soaps, frags, and brushes?

I'm not Rob but Ron ;)

lots of different ones but those are always in my den:
Martin de Candre
St. James of London
Aftershaves different Floids, Pinauds and Myrsols
DE's all of the Paradigms and Raw razors
Striaghts Iwasaki's
So happy you found your way to us! Welcome to TSC!

It sounds like you are a Veteran! There are a few of us around here. If you like...let one of the owners ( @CBLindsay @BarberDave @Cvargo ) know and they will get you a nice little Veteran's badge to go below your avatar!

We are all looking forward to hearing what you have to say! Welcome to the Cadre!
I'm not Rob but Ron ;)

lots of different ones but those are always in my den:
Martin de Candre
St. James of London
Aftershaves different Floids, Pinauds and Myrsols
DE's all of the Paradigms and Raw razors
Striaghts Iwasaki's
Hah! Apologies RON. Autocorrect sticks it to me occasionally with what it thinks I should be saying. Darn robots! :ROFLMAO: