The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from a newbie


Shave Newbie
I am a new WS (almost two years) and wish I had thrown out my Philishave electric years ago. My collection of soaps is rapidly expanding (at least by my standards). I started with many of the Classics: TOBS Jeremyn, Proraso Green, Cella, Tabac, Trumper Coconut and MWF. Recent additions included SJoL Lime/Pepper and Bergamot/Sandalwood, Soap Commander Endurance and Classic Spice, Rockwell Barbershop and Razorock XXX and Dead Sea.

My daily razor is the Rockwell 6s (which replaced a Merkur 33c) and I’m getting braver with my Dovo Best Quality 6/8. Checks and neck are no trouble, still nervous around my mouth and chin. My favourite DE blade is Astra SP. My shave brushes are a Kent BLK 4 and a recently purchased Razorock Plissoft. And I recently splurged on a scuttle from Classic Edge. Love it!

Thanks guys. I look forward to meeting everyone and learning more.

Welcome Dave! Welcome on!

Great classics going on in the den there. Hope you’re enjoying the journey into straights!
Welcome, have fun, get to know the TOU...... and nice name!
This place is too crowded with Daves! Can you use your middle name at least? 🤪 I kid...but really...Welcome to the Cadre! I think you will fit in nicely around here!
Hey Dave, welcome & glad you've joined us! Another Dave is always welcome. We have a good time here, & we sometimes even discuss shaving!:LOL:
Welcome, Dave! At two years I wouldn't call you a newbie. Excellent soap lineup. Enjoy your shaves!