The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greeting and salutations from NY


Shave Member
Hey gang I've been wet shaving for just over 5 years after getting frustrated with those multiblades and have not looked back. I have even converted 2 friends into safety blade/DE users. I have gone from using a single razor to collecting some really efficient tools hence the moniker "Sharp" to my name/initials "AJ". At the recommendation and encouragement of "The Great Enabler" I only recently discovered this site and have effectively left that other big monstrosity of a site. I recognize many names here from some of those other sites and look forward to corresponding with all of you in this "Nerdfest" of a hobby.
Welcome to The Cadre AJ! Glad you found us here!
Hey gang I've been wet shaving for just over 5 years after getting frustrated with those multiblades and have not looked back. I have even converted 2 friends into safety blade/DE users. I have gone from using a single razor to collecting some really efficient tools hence the moniker "Sharp" to my name/initials "AJ". At the recommendation and encouragement of "The Great Enabler" I only recently discovered this site and have effectively left that other big monstrosity of a site. I recognize many names here from some of those other sites and look forward to corresponding with all of you in this "Nerdfest" of a hobby.

Hey who you calling a nerd! 😂

I’m glad you finally made the move my friend and like I told you I think your going to enjoy this site and the members, vendors and owners that are on here. It’s a very refreshing change from the dark side! Lol

Now bring those aggressive shave reports on “ Face of steel ‘ haha!

A big welcome my friend!
Howdy and welcome! People better show up quick, the letters are slowly being taken up. We have a KJ, TJ and now an AJ!
Welcome AJ!

What favorites are you shaving with these days?

I'm more of a modern DE gentleman with a preference for very efficient yet smooth shaves (especially in Titanium) although I have some classic vintage razors and SE toys.
My RAD has been slowing down as I seem to have those that work well for me at this time.
I'm more of a modern DE gentleman with a preference for very efficient yet smooth shaves (especially in Titanium) although I have some classic vintage razors and SE toys.
My RAD has been slowing down as I seem to have those that work well for me at this time.
Hey Superman
I’m not buying those words at all.. you put shims in a 1.45 WR2 and whatever else beast razors you have and shave daily! So let’s not soften the story!
You are the true “ Face Of Steel “ 😂
Hey Superman
I’m not buying those words at all.. you put shims in a 1.45 WR2 and whatever else beast razors you have and shave daily! So let’s not soften the story!
You are the true “ Face Of Steel “ 😂

I thought those were our PMs Mr Enabler - don't let me report you to the headmasters :p