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Gillette Silver Blue - Stocking up while I still can....


Shave Member
Given the abysmal state of affairs foreign and domestic, I figured I had better start stocking up on items that are becoming harder and harder to come by.
I have always used Gillette Silver Blue blades in my vintage Gillette DE razors and now I use them exclusively in Blackland Blackbird polished stainless steel razor.
I do not like to mess around with a good formula the the GSBs have faithfully provided me with a wonderful balance between sharpness, smoothness, and longevity.
I recently visited Maggard's Razors shop in SE Michigan (where I have always bought my GSBs) only find that they can no longer acquire them due to the shut down of the manufacturing plant in St. Petersburg, Russia (or at least the discontinuing of certain lines of blades including my GSBs).
They are still available on line at many shops, but I am truly worried about what I am going to do when the current supply is sold off I can no longer purchase them anywhere.
I see there is some talk that Gillette (part of Procter & Gamble) may start producing them at another plant, possibly in India or elsewhere, but this gives me little to no comfort at all!
I want the exact same GSBs from the exact same plant that I have come to trust and no other re-branded product produced elsewhere will suffice!

Anyway, here is my latest on-line purchase of 100 Gillette Silver Blue blades (and I have never received them bundled this way). Kinda COOL!
I agree with your overall asseement of the Gillette Silver Blue blades. I rank them high in my list of "good" blades and could easily use just the blue or yellow and be happy. That said I find most blades fall into the acceptable range and a few brands are terrible.

Our own @Cvargo put a lot of time and research in many years ago, seeking out different blades and attempting to locate (with certainty) exactly where each blade was made and IF there were indeed differences between some of the common ones. He shave tested a bunch and gave his thoughts on them (we will have to locate that thread) but as importantly he was able in some cases to provide evidence that in some cases the different colors (blue vs yellow vs black etc) were more about which market they were intended to be sold in and less about the location they were manufactured. I don't recall the specifics that's how I remember the general flacor of his research project turnign out. In a way the way I recollect it, you may be right about not wanting to trust the product will be the same if/when it is made or sold by someone else. Then again, just how many DE razor blade plants can there be in the world? and how different can the machines and raw materials be from one plant to another?

Fortunately the blades are pretty low cost so stockpiling in case of the appocolypse isn't likely yo break the bank.
@NurseDave, I have, indeed heard the tales of the Wizamet and Polsilver Super Iridium blades, but have never had the pleasure of trying them.

Who knows, someday, long after they have been out of production, my Gillette Silver Blues will rise to "legend" status!
I PIFed about 80 Polsilver Super Iridium blades some years ago. While they performed well and could go more shaves than any other blade I owned they were the only blade that I have ever had a reaction to. YMMV.

I also endeavored to find non-Russian blades and found that Bic Chrome Platinum blades to be acceptable but not great. I was very pleasantly surprised with Gillette 7 O’Clock Super Platinum blades. They have a GSB type smoothness for me.