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Gillette Big Fellow dated to 4th Quarter 1920


TSC's "Velveteen Shaver"
Preparing for tomorrow’s dome shave, I broke out my Gillette OT Big Fellow dated to the fourth quarter of 1920. I always used to enjoyed shaving my face with this razor and only used it on my dome three or more years ago. I now face shave with a straight.

I have really enjoyed this razor and much prefer it to the smaller OT’s in my den.
Looking forward to my dome shave tomorrow morning.

I’d be interested in any of our resident Gillette expert’s thoughts if they’d care to share.IMG_2709.jpeg
I’d be interested in any of our resident Gillette expert’s thoughts if they’d care to share.
I don't think any of us are experts, but what are you looking for our thoughts on, exactly.
Basically how the shave compares to the other early Gillette models, like the original OT, the “New” and the “Tech models. I developed my interest in vintage razors over at TSD. I apologize, and didn’t mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable by my question.
I have several 1900-1920's Gillette's, both open comb and "long comb" with a variety of handles. I also have a few 1930's Goodwill razor. For me, I don't find a huge difference in aggressiveness (judged by how they feel not based on how they perform) between 1900-1930 razors. I DO feel a difference between the safety bar, open comb and long comb although I think some of it is attributable to the open comb vs flat bar feel more than blade exposure or blade feel. I personally like pretty much anything pre-war more than the early post war, I think the post war stuff FEELS less aggressive but the post war stuff often performs better for me than the pre-war stuff. I think my preferrence for pre-war (1900-war time) is partly due to asthetics and what I perceive as being of greater historical significance.

I think a potential drawback to most pre-war (probably going back to the early 1900's) is where the blade support ends vs where the blade supports end on post war razors. Generally speaking the older pre-war stuff focuses more support further from the cutting edge while post war stuff supports the blade much closer to the cutting edge. The end result is a little more (potential) blade flex on older stuff while the newer stuff has a more ridgid blade becasue of how close to the cutting edge the blade is supported. Interestingly, I have a collection of vintage razor blades going quite far back in time and there IS a small but noticable difference in how thick the blades were long long ago. Perhaps the older, thicker, blades needed less blade support and performed as well THEN as newer blades in the newer razor did. Maybe Gillette recognized that the newer blades were marginally thinner and/or more flexible so they moved the blade support further out?

More than how the head performs I find that I prefer using heavier handles and fatter handles. Sadly the old type ball end handles that are SO common are often in very poor condition BUT that provides an opportunity to open them up and fill the hollow potion with lead or copper bb's to increase weight.

For me, I do notice a more aggressive feel in the older stuff vs the newer stuff but it is minimal. My 2 FAVORITE vintage razors in terms of feel and performance are the 1934ish Gillette Aristocrat and the early (1940ish) Gillette superspeed TTO. Those razors works so well for me and scratch my "vintage" itch pretty well.
I have several 1900-1920's Gillette's, both open comb and "long comb" with a variety of handles. I also have a few 1930's Goodwill razor. For me, I don't find a huge difference in aggressiveness (judged by how they feel not based on how they perform) between 1900-1930 razors. I DO feel a difference between the safety bar, open comb and long comb although I think some of it is attributable to the open comb vs flat bar feel more than blade exposure or blade feel. I personally like pretty much anything pre-war more than the early post war, I think the post war stuff FEELS less aggressive but the post war stuff often performs better for me than the pre-war stuff. I think my preferrence for pre-war (1900-war time) is partly due to asthetics and what I perceive as being of greater historical significance.

I think a potential drawback to most pre-war (probably going back to the early 1900's) is where the blade support ends vs where the blade supports end on post war razors. Generally speaking the older pre-war stuff focuses more support further from the cutting edge while post war stuff supports the blade much closer to the cutting edge. The end result is a little more (potential) blade flex on older stuff while the newer stuff has a more ridgid blade becasue of how close to the cutting edge the blade is supported. Interestingly, I have a collection of vintage razor blades going quite far back in time and there IS a small but noticable difference in how thick the blades were long long ago. Perhaps the older, thicker, blades needed less blade support and performed as well THEN as newer blades in the newer razor did. Maybe Gillette recognized that the newer blades were marginally thinner and/or more flexible so they moved the blade support further out?

More than how the head performs I find that I prefer using heavier handles and fatter handles. Sadly the old type ball end handles that are SO common are often in very poor condition BUT that provides an opportunity to open them up and fill the hollow potion with lead or copper bb's to increase weight.

For me, I do notice a more aggressive feel in the older stuff vs the newer stuff but it is minimal. My 2 FAVORITE vintage razors in terms of feel and performance are the 1934ish Gillette Aristocrat and the early (1940ish) Gillette superspeed TTO. Those razors works so well for me and scratch my "vintage" itch pretty well.
Chris, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the early (prewar, (I assume you mean WW2) and post war blades. One of my favorite razors, the Shakesharp, was designed around the thicker carbon steel blades of the prewar era. Unfortunately, due to the onset of WW2, it wasn’t released until 1947 despite being designed in the late thirties for the thicker carbon steel blades of those times. In fact, these razors perform best when using two doubled up SS blades. You make an excellent point regarding head design and shaving aperture with respect to blade thickness. One of my favorite pre-war models, the “New” Bostonian shaves nicely for me, but does provide more blade chatter because it wasn’t designed for the thinner SS DE blades of today. Many who fail to develop proper technique give up on this razor which has always provided good shaves for me. Thanks again for your thoughts?
Chris, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the early (prewar, (I assume you mean WW2) and post war blades. One of my favorite razors, the Shakesharp, was designed around the thicker carbon steel blades of the prewar era. Unfortunately, due to the onset of WW2, it wasn’t released until 1947 despite being designed in the late thirties for the thicker carbon steel blades of those times. In fact, these razors perform best when using two doubled up SS blades. You make an excellent point regarding head design and shaving aperture with respect to blade thickness. One of my favorite pre-war models, the “New” Bostonian shaves nicely for me, but does provide more blade chatter because it wasn’t designed for the thinner SS DE blades of today. Many who fail to develop proper technique give up on this razor which has always provided good shaves for me. Thanks again for your thoughts?
I have made shims using a second blade with the cutting edges cut back. Depending on how far back you cut the shim you get a different effect. I don't know that it mimics the thicker blade but a narrow shim seems to angle the blade more downward toward the safety bar/comb.