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Ghost Hunt & Sleepover this weekend!


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
I'm so excited. I just booked a Ghost Hunt and sleepover this weekend, for Amber and I, at one of the most haunted places in Kansas. We've been wanting to do one of these Guided Ghost Hunts for a while now and were tracking several of them in the surrounding Missouri and Kansas area. Most of them end around 2am, leaving you to either get a hotel, or drive in the wee hours of the am to get home. Which, this one does have that same option of the ghost hunt ending at 2am, however there was another option of including a sleepover for a little extra money and you get to stay until 11am and it includes breakfast. I have another friend who is into this stuff and he's considering booking as well. Here are the details from the listing:


Date: Saturday, September 26 2020
Time: 7:00pm - 11am

Welcome to The Haunted 1889 McInteer Villa, Atchison - one of if not THE MOST haunted house in what many believe is the most haunted city in the Midwest!

The Haunted McInteer Villa certainly looks foreboding, you'd be forgiven if you felt uneasy just at the thought of entering! If you are brave enough to set foot in this house for a night of paranormal investigation, then you may just uncover some of the secrets that this house keeps close to its chest.

Some of the history of this house is very vague and intriguing. It's believed there is a spirit of a former FBI Agent that resides here, rocking aimlessly in the very chair she took her own life in. Her name was Isabel Altus (aka. Goldie), and she has been dubbed the witch by many investigators and is often seen wearing black. Passers-by have often seen her dark figure at the window, and visitors have witnessed her rocking chair terrifyingly start rocking back and forth in front of their very eyes!
The previous owners were so terrified of what could happen in this house that they kept the house off-limits for everyone! The people of Atchison were aware of this house and all that went on inside, and the current owners are happy to share it with them and all who wish to explore the paranormal.

The house was believed to have been used for funeral ceremonies for a time, where the dead would be laid out for viewing in one of the great rooms. This could be why there is such a high concentration of spirits and activity!
If you were to enter the attic you'll be greeted with an immediate heavy presence caused by the many spirits that still linger there. And if you dare enter the basement, you'll find out exactly why the owners refuse to ever go down there!
Do you have what it takes to investigate this extremely haunted building? Perhaps even investigate alone in the room that Isabel sits!?

Your ghost hunt at The Haunted McInteer Villa includes the following:
Exclusive History Tour,
Ghost Hunting Vigils,
Structured Vigils,
Ghost Hunt with experienced Ghost Hunting Team,
Use of our equipment which includes, trigger objects and EMF Meters,
Private time to explore this location and to undertake your very own private vigils,
Sleepover in the haunted rooms
Unlimited refreshments are available throughout the night including Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Coca Cola, Diet Coke, and Bottled Water.
Selection of snacks.
Scrumptious home-cooked breakfast served in the morning!

So, if you guys don't hear from me on Sunday/Monday..... assume the worst!
I've been reading some stuff by folks who have visited this house before, and it seems to have a lot of activity.
Yeah, I don't tempt "bad juju" with my presence if I can help it. I have a buddy who is super sensitive to the presence of ghosts and spirits and we did a ghost tour around old Alexandria Virginia a few years back and during the tour we visited several sites. One was the Mansion Hotel which was the site of a field hospital during the Civil War. Now the site of Carlyle House. It is surrounded by a low brick wall and gated. We had been to many of the "ghost walk" sites and it was an interesting tour. When we got to this location however and while the tour guide was giving the info to the group I happened to ask my buddy if he was as creeped out as I was because I was. He was no pun intended...ghost white. I remember him saying "man, you don't want to know what is on the other side of that wall buddy and all over that lawn"...." a lot of angry spirits out there." So if it doesn't bleed, I don't mess with it... :oops:
Looking forward to the report. The wife is quite into the spooky and arcane, and would quite enjoy something like this I am sure.
I just want to have some sort of experience to justify my belief in things paranormal. I lived in a house that was "haunted" before, and my ex had a few feelings and experiences, but I never had any. I assume I'm just not "sensitive" to it, like your buddy was. I did have one second hand experience in that house, though.

Me and my ex were babysitting her goddaughter, who was like 6-9 months old. Not talking or walking, but could sit up and play on her own. She was at the bottom of the stairs playing and we were nearby talking. Suddenly the baby froze and was staring intently at the top of the stairs. We looked up and saw nothing. We looked back at her, and you could just tell from her gaze that she saw something and was intent on looking directly at it. It lasted less than a minute then it was over. But I'm positive that she had seen a ghost.
No doubt she did. That wasn't my buddy's first experience with me along with him. We were house sitting also a really old house here in Toronto and at one point he physically couldn't move into the living room because the ghost that was in that house wouldn't let him move beyond the threshold. Later that evening he asked me to move out of the room I was sleeping in because it was once a nursery and what appeared to be the nanny was quite upset I was in there. I asked him how he knew it was a nursery? He saw the crib and kids toys. ah, I don't feel them either but in numbers I guess they creep me out. On that note that will be all from me...because as I wrote these two stories down I had chills, goose bumps and now am totally creeped out....AGAIN. Good luck and let me know how it pans out!
I have seen these movies before. Just skip to the end and bring a priest for the needed exorcism at the end.
We have a haunted restaurant nearby called the Buxton Inn. It is also an inn, but I’ve never stayed there. I have been there after closing and on one occasion heard sounds consistent with tavern activity, clinking glasses, conversation, plates etc..coming from the bar area, which is in the downstairs area. Never seen anything though.

Las time were there it was needing some fleshing up. Now under new ownership we’ve not been there yet.
looks like fun KJ. if you don't believe in the Paranormal.... Get a cat. You will believe soon after LOL
looks like fun KJ. if you don't believe in the Paranormal.... Get a cat. You will believe soon after LOL
I have a cat...... You know this..... But what do cats have to do with the Paranormal? I mean Monkey is far from a normal cat, but beyond that..... 🤷‍♂️
I have a cat...... You know this..... But what do cats have to do with the Paranormal? I mean Monkey is far from a normal cat, but beyond that..... 🤷‍♂️

Aside from the random nocturnal frenetics, SafetyCat Jr. often hisses for no apparent reason. Lately, she’s taken to actually screaming for no reason while staying under the bed. I think General Tso’s may be on the menu soon if she kept that up.
I'm so excited. I just booked a Ghost Hunt and sleepover this weekend, for Amber and I, at one of the most haunted places in Kansas. We've been wanting to do one of these Guided Ghost Hunts for a while now and were tracking several of them in the surrounding Missouri and Kansas area. Most of them end around 2am, leaving you to either get a hotel, or drive in the wee hours of the am to get home. Which, this one does have that same option of the ghost hunt ending at 2am, however there was another option of including a sleepover for a little extra money and you get to stay until 11am and it includes breakfast. I have another friend who is into this stuff and he's considering booking as well. Here are the details from the listing:


Date: Saturday, September 26 2020
Time: 7:00pm - 11am

Welcome to The Haunted 1889 McInteer Villa, Atchison - one of if not THE MOST haunted house in what many believe is the most haunted city in the Midwest!

The Haunted McInteer Villa certainly looks foreboding, you'd be forgiven if you felt uneasy just at the thought of entering! If you are brave enough to set foot in this house for a night of paranormal investigation, then you may just uncover some of the secrets that this house keeps close to its chest.

Some of the history of this house is very vague and intriguing. It's believed there is a spirit of a former FBI Agent that resides here, rocking aimlessly in the very chair she took her own life in. Her name was Isabel Altus (aka. Goldie), and she has been dubbed the witch by many investigators and is often seen wearing black. Passers-by have often seen her dark figure at the window, and visitors have witnessed her rocking chair terrifyingly start rocking back and forth in front of their very eyes!
The previous owners were so terrified of what could happen in this house that they kept the house off-limits for everyone! The people of Atchison were aware of this house and all that went on inside, and the current owners are happy to share it with them and all who wish to explore the paranormal.

The house was believed to have been used for funeral ceremonies for a time, where the dead would be laid out for viewing in one of the great rooms. This could be why there is such a high concentration of spirits and activity!
If you were to enter the attic you'll be greeted with an immediate heavy presence caused by the many spirits that still linger there. And if you dare enter the basement, you'll find out exactly why the owners refuse to ever go down there!
Do you have what it takes to investigate this extremely haunted building? Perhaps even investigate alone in the room that Isabel sits!?

Your ghost hunt at The Haunted McInteer Villa includes the following:
Exclusive History Tour,
Ghost Hunting Vigils,
Structured Vigils,
Ghost Hunt with experienced Ghost Hunting Team,
Use of our equipment which includes, trigger objects and EMF Meters,
Private time to explore this location and to undertake your very own private vigils,
Sleepover in the haunted rooms
Unlimited refreshments are available throughout the night including Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Coca Cola, Diet Coke, and Bottled Water.
Selection of snacks.
Scrumptious home-cooked breakfast served in the morning!

So, if you guys don't hear from me on Sunday/Monday..... assume the worst!
So cool by the way if you see...shining.gif
We say hi....
I have a cat...... You know this..... But what do cats have to do with the Paranormal? I mean Monkey is far from a normal cat, but beyond that..... 🤷‍♂️
Have you ever seen your cat just stare off into nowhere like he’s looking at something they see things on a different plane than we do. I’m convinced that they can see spirits when we can’t