The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Forum Upgrade happening SOON


I Blame Dave
By now most of you should have received an email from The Shaving Cadre (unless your filters have blocked it) about a planned forum upgrade. We will be beginning the final stages of the upgrade very soon. This will require the forum to be shut down for a period of time, we hope no more than 3 or 4 days. As mentioned in the email, we planned for success but expect some glitches along the way. We expect to have all the visual content (photos' GIFs and Avatars) transferred as is but history suggests this part of the migration may not go as planned. One thing we KNOW will be lost in the upgrade process are the saved Private Messages. Since most of you have had copies of PM's sent to your personal email as they were received this may not be an issue. If you have important or useful information stored in you PM inbox you may want to copy it now.

Please plan to check our website for updates. We may also be posting to Facebook but we realize FB and other social media may not be used by all members. When the forum is back up and running you will be able to access it at OR

It was mentioned in the email but it bears repeating here. We wish to thank all of our members for their support over the last 12 months and we want to thank our Hobbyist and Vendors for their financial support, without their financial support this upgrade would not be possible.

As Dave (xenostr8shaver) has said ...."see you on the other side"

Chad, Dave & Chris
When I hit "3-4" I was thinking hours and thought "well, that's a long time but such is life". Then I saw DAYS!!!! We'll need a support group.
Yes 3-4 days is going to be rough! When it does go down. Please post your SOTD's on our Facebook Page. Also expect updates there! We are hoping it will not take that long, but we have been told to expect that length sadly.
Will you let us know when it will happen? I don't want to just show up and have it be off. Gotta plan, you know?
What’s your plan? We all meet at the cafe down the street and have coffee and pie until it’s back up?
What’s your plan? We all meet at the cafe down the street and have coffee and pie until it’s back up?

Wouldn't this have been the perfect time to schedule the first TSC Meetup???
In order to meet our time window we will need to begin the upgrade TODAY. In fact, we believe we will be beginning between 12 and 3 Pacific Standard time. It looks like the big brut PIF will be delayed
In order to meet our time window we will need to begin the upgrade TODAY. In fact, we believe we will be beginning between 12 and 3 Pacific Standard time. It looks like the big brut PIF will be delayed
That's perfect when the site pops back up the last 4 names that were on before the shutdown will be the 4 that are selected from.
Yea KJ, I know what you mean. This has taken a lot of our time. But trust me once this is done the meet up is moving up the list.
That's perfect when the site pops back up the last 4 names that were on before the shutdown will be the 4 that are selected from.
What if the list doesn't come back up?
Yea KJ, I know what you mean. This has taken a lot of our time. But trust me once this is done the meet up is moving up the list.
Can it start at Dave's house for muffins?