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Fluffy's Corona Panic Pic Thread.


"TSC's Spice Trader"
Just got done reading through the other thread regarding this current Wuhan Flu thing we are dealing with.
I know it's serious to certain people, My wife is in a high risk category. So I am very careful not to bring it home to her. So I do all the things they recommend to help prevent catching/spreading it.
Hats off to @NurseDave my daughter in law and all the other people that are in the medical field. Hang in there. Good luck to you.
But you guys that have followed my posts and vids. Probably know I am easily annoyed by the current state of our country. Instead of being a nation of strong, confident individuals.
You know the kind of folks that got through a depression. Fought a world war. Beat the USSR. Put a man on the moon. Etc.
We have devolved into a bunch of bottled water and toilet paper hoarding dumbass pansy jackwagons. Get a grip people.
I went to some stores yesterday. And actually laughed out loud at the absurdity. The place stunk with smell of fear and panic. Social media and the 24hr news cycle has whipped people into a frenzy.
I walked through and observed the goings on. And left after only 5 minutes.
I may sound very judgmental. Which I am. It is just my perspective. I can imagine many more events which would make everyone wish we were "only" dealing with a virus.
The way I look at things. Goes something like what I told my wife when I got home. I asked her. "What if we lived in Nashville?" We would have a pile of rubble instead of a house. Our vehicles would be totaled.
Or workplace possibly destroyed too. And friends and loved ones dead. And be in a shelter somewhere with a whole bunch of other people just like us. That's pretty bad. But now add the worry of someone at the shelter getting the virus. That if it were our reality would be exponentially worse that what 99% of America is actually dealing with.
Guess I am just saying. If you think you have it bad. Imagine the infinite amount of ways that it could be worse. Now use that thought. To put your specific situation in perspective.
It can always be worse. Don't panic and make it worse. Use your M1A1 brain. Think through the problem.
The movie that comes to mind for me. Which encapsulates my mindset Is Apollo 13. And oddly enough he has the virus. (Tom Hanks). The way that the astronauts and Houston handled that mission. Was a text book example of how you get through a crisis.
Ok rant over. Soapbox put away.

My pics of the stores I went to yesterday will follow. Please add your pics and observations about how your local population are dealing with this event. I am curious if others here agree or disagree with my assessment of this. I want this to be an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Think we are all able to discuss things and if necessary "agree to disagree".


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It's not much different here in Europe. I've been chilling at home since Thursday, since then the shelves have emptied of toilet paper here too, and of course hand sanitizer has been impossible to find for longer.

Here's a pic my business partner sent when he was just running to the shop in Rotterdam yesterday.
So it seems fear of not being able to wipe your ass is not just and American phenomena. Wonder what the max amount for a roll of Toilet Paper that people would pay.