The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

First post introduction

I am the brother of the forum member Dave in KY. Growing up Dave and I shared a bathroom used by 8 siblings and yes, as he stated in one of his earlier posts, occasionally I would misappropriate product from his "can of goo"
About a year ago Dave gave me a vintage adjustable Gillette slim in my birth year. I told him that I think about him everytime I shave and that it was such a thoughtful gift that I too have given one to a friend. Since then Dave has sent me various soaps, one was the YETI SNOT which he sent because I like mentholated stuff. As some of you may be aware, there were supply/logistical issues aquiring this soap. While I liked the menthol it lathered terribly to the point of being almost unusable, that is until one day while shopping with the wife at a TJMaxx when I came across this large 8.49 ounce tub of shaving cream for $4.99. By combining this with the water like consistency of the YETI SNOT it yielded a very satisfying and chilly lather.
I remember several years ago overhearing Dave telling a mutual friend, "I can't take it Rick. Whenever we go out with them either for food or entertainment Tim always has some coupon or discount where he is getting 50% off and I'm stuck paying full price! "

At this point you might be saying to yourself, "Wow! Kentucky Dave is right his brother is a tightwad! " to which I would proudly respond...That's right I am THE FRUGAL BROTHER.
Great intro Tim! Welcome.

Don’t be afraid to give us the low down and dirty on the Dave character! ?
Uh oh brothers on the forum. This could be fun!

Welcome to the Cadre!
Well, I guess only one of you could be named Dave. Welcome all the same ?
We got a son lurking ‘round here somewhere, I’m sure a brother (even Dave from KY’S)is allowed. Very cool to have you here.
Great intro. Welcome to the Cadre. Has Dave talked to you about the Hot Pepper Challenge yet? Time to catch up to your Brother!!!

Welcome board Tim and where are the coupon codes that I know he had in order to join. Also, why did Chad charge me FULL price to get in here. REALLY glad you joined Tim and even better that you posted. Hope they continue !! And Tim can take the heat from hot stuff so maybe he will do the pepper challenge. Get Tawnee to help with the technology logistics.
Oh Man! I think you will fit in just fine around here Tim! Welcome to TSC!
Welcome TIme! This is a fun place, lots of bantering & occasionally some words of wisdom. But fortunately, the words of wisdom are few & far between so I don't get confused too often! Pull up a chair & enjoy!
Welcome Tim. I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't lather the Snot.
Its a mediocre soap for sure, but it’s slick and I get a perfectly usable lather from it. But let’s face it, when you use Yeti Snot, you’re not using it for the lather, you’re going for the freeze.