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Favorite Bay Rum??

I’ve had several that I really liked, but now I have a bottle that has the dregs from several that has achieved synergy. I call it my “Dog From Every Town” bay rum. It heartens to a mix from another forum called “Bootleggers Bay Rum”
My favorite is ETHOS Grooming Essentials Bay Rum.. Their "Tortola" is a close second (bay rum with added citrus/tropical notes). Actually those two are closer to being "1a" and "1b" with me. Next would be Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Atomic Age Bay Rum". Of course, Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum is up there as well.. I wish Burt's Bees still made a bay rum soap and splash. It was around when I first began traditional wet shaving back in the early 2000's and was wonderful scent wise. The soap left something to be desired but the AS was phenomenal.
My favorite, if you can find it, is vintage Avon Bay Rum. Very rich scent.

Master Bay Rum is discontinued now, but man that was good stuff too.

I like The Grand Bay and Grand Bay Lime. West Indies Bay Rum (Rebranded as St. John's Utility) is another good inexpensive traditional Bay Rum.

The finest bay rum on the active artisan market, in my opinion, is Captain's Choice. Any bay rum lover needs to try it.

Bootlegger’s Bay Rum
- 1 part Master’s Bay Rum
- 1 part Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum
- 1 part Superior 70 Bay Rum
Yes! Still one of my favorites.
I have a bottle that has the dregs from several that has achieved synergy. I call it my “Dog From Every Town” bay rum.
Love it. I stole this idea from you a while ago. I have a few bottles that I have made with a little bit of everything from my collection. VEZmerize - My aftershave blends
I wish Burt's Bees still made a bay rum soap and splash.
That stuff was great indeed. I think still have 2 bottles that I'm cherishing.
Ogalala Bay Rum
Honestly, Ogalala is the only Bay Rum I've never liked. Base scent reminded me of egg nog.
A big player to my DFET bay rum, Dominica, is sadly long gone. I’ve not found a direct new replacement. But I’ve not been searching real hard either.
Has anyone tried Drake’s Bay Rum. I don’t know much about Bay Rum, but the scent of Drake’s is mild and complexed. The feeling on my skin is some if not the best I’ve experienced.