The Shaving Cadre

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Fantasy Baseball


Shave Member
Do not know if this has been asked in the past? But wanting to know if there would be interest in a league?
Maybe for a twist a entry fee either/or related to wet shaving? Maggards gift cards, or maybe posting a item you would sacrifice to the winner??
Let me know and we can start if there is interest?
Do not know if this has been asked in the past? But wanting to know if there would be interest in a league?
Maybe for a twist a entry fee either/or related to wet shaving? Maggards gift cards, or maybe posting a item you would sacrifice to the winner??
Let me know and we can start if there is interest?
Never actually played fantasy baseball. is it pretty similar to fantasy football?
Anything more complex than just picking teams, and I’m out. I don’t know sports well enough to do anything more.