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Eyeglass Defogger

I've tried a couple of commercial defoggers, pretty much useless in the Helsinki drizzle.

Actually, I asked the nurse who gave me my flu shot how she dealt with it, the answer was, she doesn't. So even the pros don't know.

The best thing I know of is a good strong wind, so maybe carry a portable fan?
The only solution that works even remotely well for me has been making sure the mask area around bridge of my nose and nose area are sealed as much as possible. I’ll even rest the nose pads of my glasses on the edge of the mask so it helps with the seal.
I gave up on a defogger,and for work I got contact lenses, however the KN-95 is the best mask so far that minimizes fog for me anyway
The only solution that works even remotely well for me has been making sure the mask area around bridge of my nose and nose area are sealed as much as possible. I’ll even rest the nose pads of my glasses on the edge of the mask so it helps with the seal.
I am experimenting with this now. Impressed.
I tuck the mask under my nose pieces. Still doesn't work great, because then your glasses fall down your nose every time you try to talk, but it's the best bad solution I've found.