The Shaving Cadre

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Every Man Jack. A new travel razor set-up, perhaps?

I didn’t see a separate group or heading for cartridge systems so, I posted it here in the general topics discussion thread. My apologies to the mods & admins if it’s in the wrong place. I wouldn’t mind if it was moved to a proper discussion thread or just totally delete the thread for my treasonous act and blasphemous jibberish on purchasing a cartridge/modern shave system. SOMEONE SLAP ME AND BRING ME BACK TO REALITY!!


No, seriously. A brief description below.....

I just happened to see this item today at my local super food market in one of the clearance end caps. Passed by it and saw it for $10 for both a razor system and shave gel. Did my shopping and had it rattle around my head a bit and went back to it and decided for the money, it’s a win win. I had lost a pretty darn good razor before (Karve with C & D plates about 2 months ago on a business trip for a product install). Purchased it and said for the money, not a bad travel set. To be honest, it comes in a nicely packaged magnetic box with some nice info about the product and once I opened it up it looked pretty nice. Chromed with a nicely weighted razor handle, weighted razor stand and cartridges (4) that has I think 6 blades. Can’t say much about the shaving gel except for that it states it’s a naturally made product. I can’t read the ingredients list as the lettering is kind of smeared so, I just took a few pics to show the razor and shave gel. Looks good and I’d rather loose this than a pricey razor from my den. Might give it a go before throwing it in my travel bag and see how it performs. I’m sure it shaves ok and gives one a decent finish just like most cartridge systems do.

Has anyone else here had any experience with this particular razor from Every Man Jack? First time today that I noticed this brand and have no clue if they’ve been around for a while and how their products perform.

I need help......



Mr Boker! You really have no razor you would travel with??? My "travel" razor is a 6S or the RX. Ain't no reason to go with less just because you aren't at home.
I do occasionally use modern cart systems, so I would be in favor of creating a separate sub-forum for them.
I actually might have to pick up using carts in the future. At some point I'll have to fly to Maryland for work and I'd prefer not to lose my stuff outside the country. Just for "long distance" travel.
Mr Boker! You really have no razor you would travel with??? My "travel" razor is a 6S or the RX. Ain't no reason to go with less just because you aren't at home.

For $10 bucks though? It’s a super deal! I’m not into losing good razors. Besides, you don’t create an attachment with something that you spend some big bucks for and then have to kick yourself in the rear for being careless or forgetful. I’ll take it on the chin but, for me it is worth it keeping my valuable stuff at home and not putting myself in the position to lose another prized possession. What’s cheaper? A travel razor that’s of significant quality that’s going to run me from $75-$150 to replace or, a $10 cheapie that I can perhaps pick up at whatever town I’m traveling to for a couple of bucks?

Besides, IT’S REAL SHINY!!!
BTW, speaking of ridiculousness, @Cvargo's legs have to ready for another good shaving.