The Shaving Cadre

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Ever just have one of those days??


TSC's Cheerleader
Have you ever just had one of those days?? The day starts out positive and great when you wake up but then something happens???
Well I had one of those days today.. I woke up in a great mood and then as the day has progressed it seems to have gone completely down hill..... I had a pretty good shave last night which i posted about today so I thought hey this is gonna be a pretty good day but it seems like stuff keeps happening that makes me want to say enough and just shut off all electronics and just go to the bed room and pull the covers over my head and stay there.. I know I can't because the kids would make sure that doesnt happen but I still want to...
huh?? Oh the instant pif... Yeah that was the bright point today (but at the same time that was early before the day really started) and seeing @Graydog s picture of the little one was also a high point... but the rest has fairly much stunk today..........
Sorry brother. Hope there is a good weekend a commin'
Thank you.. It just seems everything I say today is making others mad or irritated or is cause for humor or something.......I'm not talking about on here i'm talking about in general today.
Thats funny but remember each level is harder than the last and unfortunately he was so depressed he died.. But I get where you were going with that and thank made me laugh...

Oh man!
My wife sent me that earlier today, since I'm having my own kind of one of those days. Cheered me up but now I'm not so sure! :)
I'm there too, waiting on other people for tasks and favors i'm doing for them and they can't get to where it needs to be before I have something else to do. But the transition out of work is easy enough for me, i have an easy personality to transition into my next thing which was a 5 mile walk for me to keep me in good work/life balance. Gotta remember to keep yourself healthy and balanced.