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English Premier League thread


“All Ideas… No Action waka waka ”
I know a bunch of us on here should be fans of the most beautiful game.

I'm a fan of Arsenal. I have no explanation for why I'm a fan. I chose them as my team about 8 years ago just based on a whim. If I had spent some time thinking about it, I might have chosen Liverpool since my family name is a suburb of the Liverpool area and the town was founded by a member of that family.

But I chose Arsenal...


....and good or bad...I support them.

Currently they are 5th but will make the Europa cup group stage. Its not ideal but better than the past 3 or 4 years where they were shite. I think they've finally come round to the winning ways of the past....just need to tighten up a few loose ends and they'll be back at the top of the standings next season.

So, who else has a team in the EPL that they cheer for?

Anyone interested in learning more about the EPL and their amazing teams?

Lets hear from you.
Oh you're talking about that fake sport futbol also known as soccer
I root for Arsenal as well. I Didn’t have any real knowledge of the beautiful game. In 2006, one of my best friends and I were a management team for an IT group. The previous occupant of my office had a DirecTV feed to his office going to a large 70” monitor - I’m guessing he justified it by watching the weather. Well, my buddy had spent a few years in England - a Chelsea fan. So - the World Cup was on - so he worked out of my office and we watched the World Cup.

He also taught me a little about English football and the Premier League. I picked Arsenal solely because I loved their moniker - “The Gunners” and their kits. Much to his dismay.
What's interesting about the Premier League is that with under a week to go in the season, none of the 20 final place positions are yet known; sure we know two of the relegated teams but even the top four finishers that automatically get a spot in the European Champions' League are not yet decided.

If you compare that to the leagues in Spain or France where Real Madrid or PSG have had it won for ages, then it's more competitive.
Liverpool, still with a mathematical chance of a quadruple cup haul, and Man City made this season amazing. 90 points from 38 games. Watch either of those teams play and you can see how far behind the rest are.

i like London, so Chelsea or Spurs have some appeal to me, but the football the top two are playing is off the charts and admirable.

Oh you're talking about that fake sport futbol also known as soccer
You're just mad that holding up a yellow card isn't as aggressive as throwing a penalty flag.

But American football doesn't have the red card!!!
New Arsenal kit was revealed yesterday:


Not sure about the collar...I know its a nod to team history but it makes them look like they're ushers at the stadium.
You're just jealous because they don't have any sexy stripes....

Look at that form! That's the "oh yea I'm getting this! Can't believe you did that!" You can tell by the leg flip and the toss of the flag about 20 feet high.

See in fake futbol you can only hold that card so high when upset at a player or coach.
Well, the 21-22 season is finally over. Manchester City won......again. its on the the inter-league European tournaments. The Spanish teams will dominate. Again.
Much as i didn't like the result, any team that beats Man City and Liverpool are worthy winners in Europe. Nice to see the usual French organization at its best.
