The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


My wife and I went out to lunch today at a local place called Endolyne Joe's, for our first time eating inside a restaurant in many months. Then, because it was such a gorgeous day (temperatures mid-70s, with a light breeze), we went for a walk in a nearby neighborhood, looking at houses and imagining other people's lives. My wife especially enjoys seeing houses that in some way she considers 'elegant,' meaning having a unique and creative style and beauty (often looking like something out of Poirot or Miss Marple). While we were walking today, she commented that the Panama straw hat I was wearing was somewhat elegant, which started a discussion of a vlog that she watches sometimes by a woman giving instructions in how to dress elegantly but inexpensively - which in turn led to us talking about how we could shop thrift stores together to find elegant clothing for ourselves and could then start our own blog about the Elegant Old Couple, etc. And then she said, "Well, you already shave with a lot of elegant stuff, so you're on your way." And I thought about it and realized that she was right: I do have some elegant shaving gear... and I love it.
I read in this contentment and enjoying what one has. Great way to live 🤙
Yes, after working as a doctor, during which my waking moments were filled with doubts about diagnosis and treatment decisions made, and anxiety and about what the next day or week might bring to my patients, to me, or to my practice, retirement gives me the blessed opportunity to relax and live in the present.
I’ve never thought about the word elegant in relation to anything wet shaving related. But certainly the design of the vintage DE’s are more elegant than modern razors.