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Dont buy from yoyomater on ebay


TSC's Cheerleader
Dont buy from yoyomater on ebay he runs scams, he sells you shaving or other items and then claims customs wont let him ship them then offers refund that he never gives.......fortunately with ebay and paypal there was buyer protection to recover the STOLEN money from this unethical lying thief
yep it was a very nice clone of a feather ac ss an exact clone except the scales didnt say feather on them... the thing looked Exactly like it. ebay said they were gonna watch him because they said it was essentially seller fraud ... he had no intention of honoring the sale and it was crazy he said customs wouldnt let him send it then he said he had no way to send it. I told him china has a place called a post office. ebay and paypal both say he hasnt started or tried to refund and said for me to wait until the earliest delivery date passes which is a little over a week from now and contact them at 12:01 when it passes and they will step in and refund my money.....thank goodness.........
well that was odd. my first post vanished. i refreshed and it was still not there so i posted again and poof there was the first one lol
Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there like this and it makes for infuriating online buying. I won't buy anything online anymore without using PayPal and Ebay...for as big of a company as they are...has stellar practices and protections!
Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there like this and it makes for infuriating online buying. I won't buy anything online anymore without using PayPal and Ebay...for as big of a company as they are...has stellar practices and protections!
I agree I don't like to buy without Paypal because of buyer protection which is why I didn't order it from AliExpress because they don't take Paypal payments.i looked on shears direct at one it's on 3rd page of accessories and is 15 but they take Paypal and are located in Florida so no waiting from China on order but I don't know. Maybe after I get my refund back I will look at it.
PayPal is great for protecting us from bad hombres like that.

Yes PayPal is good for that among other things !!! The crazy thing is i put up the warning at another site and had to get the admins to pull it because of so many people defending the dishonest seller !!!!!!!! It was almost like they were Blaming Me for him being a bad seller which i thought was just plain Stupid on Their parts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!