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Declaration Grooming News


"TSC's Personal Defibrillator in los pantelones"
First Responder
So apparently the bison and Icarus bases are being discontinued, but I'm a little skeptical because who the hell names a soap base "Milksteak?" I didn't watch the whole video because the dude literally ate the finest milksteak in the world. *Nod to It's Always Sunny*

I've used both, and maybe I'm not paying very close attention, but they don't seem strikingly different. But Scott is damn good at perfumery or whatever, that's what I really look for.
I didn't watch the whole video, but love the fact that he did the whole cast from his kitchen! And the talked to his dogs(?).
Milk Steak, why not.

Icarus is great stuff, don't doubt that this will be anything other than great too.

The live stream, don't want to say waste of time, it's neat to see him live, and making a milk steak to advertise your new milk steak line is kind of funky cool. I'm pretty sure he knows most people aren't going to watch the whole thing.
I have a tub of the Milksteak Dirtyver and have used it once. Apart from smelling great (just like the Icarus Dirtyver) I can tell little difference, but as I said I have used it but once. More to come.

FYI, it's at least as good as the Icarus & bison base IMO.
I can’t tell much of a difference between the old Bison base and the new Milksteak base.

Milksteak is softer in the tub and the lather might be a hair shinier, but it’s not blowing me away so far.
Thanks for that.

With the way artisan soaps have been going in the last couple years, I really don't think there much room for improvement. I dare say we've reached the pinnacle of what can be achieved with a shave soap. Any differences now will be very little. I know it was a good base before, and he said this is an improvement..... but how much better could it be, realisticaly? That's why I'm kinda done chasing soaps. I found a few that I love, and I'll be sticking with those.