The Shaving Cadre

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Dave (KY) broke the TSC


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard

Dave is using his new powers for evil and has now broken the TSC. He double posted, and originally his posts were #70 & #71. Chris replied and his post was #72. Then Dave deleted his second post and now both his original post and Chris' reply are labeled #70..... how is that possible?????
Yea I saw that. Not sure how that happened.
It was a Russian-Chinese collaboration. The Iranian honor guard may have had something to do with it too but the North Korean women’s soccer team definitely was NOT involved. Yakav Smirnov started it when he mentioned something about Oreo cookies and pickled ginger, then that big Russian guy from Rocky (or was it Creed) said “Da!” But it sounded like “Deux” so Yakav repeated his Oreo pickled ginger thing ...and the rest is TSC history. Problem is, the Russian troll farm located in Trona is feeling jittery after all the earthquakes and they deleted Dave’s original 12 posts, some good stuff there.
It was a Russian-Chinese collaboration. The Iranian honor guard may have had something to do with it too but the North Korean women’s soccer team definitely was NOT involved. Yakav Smirnov started it when he mentioned something about Oreo cookies and pickled ginger, then that big Russian guy from Rocky (or was it Creed) said “Da!” But it sounded like “Deux” so Yakav repeated his Oreo pickled ginger thing ...and the rest is TSC history. Problem is, the Russian troll farm located in Trona is feeling jittery after all the earthquakes and they deleted Dave’s original 12 posts, some good stuff there.

Can we throw the Amazonian Guard, the personal guard of Muammar Gaddafi?

Image result for colonel gaddafi bodyguards