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D-Day Anniversary. 80- yrs ago


I pre-date cheese sauce
First Responder
80 years ago today, the Allied forces landed at Normandy. At a variety of beaches. Over 7400 men died that day.

Those folks guaranteed our freedoms and we owe them a debt of thanks. Sadly, we are losing those veterans at an alarming rate and soon enough they will be gone

So today on the anniversary of the D-Day invasion, take pause, even for a moment to thank those brave men who paved the way for many of us who served our country.

It is those veterans living and/or dead the deserve our thanks
The USS Nevada was the only battleship to get underway during the attack on Pearl Harbor (she later grounded herself to keep from sinking in the mouth of the harbor) but she was also the only battleship to steam towards the Omaha beaches on D-Day to direct her guns against coastal times hitting German batteries less than 600 yards from the front line.