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CPAP Cleaning question

Dave in KY

Shave Newbie
I'm over the washing and not really into the price of soclean. Friend recommended virtuclean which is reasonable. So question is what do you guys do to clean yours? What's your routine? Thanks in advance
I'm of no help, sorry. I switched to a oral device years ago and never looked back.
The filter just gets changed. The hose I should change but I don’t think about it. And I didn’t feel like the humidification made much difference to me so I leave the reservoir empty. So guess I’m no help either.
I wash my nose pillow every day by hand. I wash the hoses once a week. The reservoir only gets distilled water, so I don't worry too much about washing it. It does get rinsed out every so often. The filter gets changed once a month. It is somewhat annoying, but worth it for me. I am sleeping much better.
\nDoes it work?
\nIt does for me. It keeps my oxygen at a good level, I\'m dreaming again and feel rested when I wake up. It has reduced my snoring (I still snore but no longer shake the house). I would be hard pressed to go back to the machine.
Funny after all this cpap cleaning talk woke up feeling the cpap was not flowing well and had to clean the filter. Worked like a charm after that.
I clean my mask every other day in the kitchen sink with a bit of soap and hot water. I found th3 hose fits neatly over the bubbler in the bathroom sink and can flow hot water through it without making a mess. Alas, the water tank is not dishwasher safe ? so it gets washed occasionally. I guess th3 key piece for me is the mask because the seal goes away if I allow too many skin oils to accumulate.
I clean my mask every other day in the kitchen sink with a bit of soap and hot water. I found th3 hose fits neatly over the bubbler in the bathroom sink and can flow hot water through it without making a mess. Alas, the water tank is not dishwasher safe so it gets washed occasionally. I guess th3 key piece for me is the mask because the seal goes away if I allow too many skin oils to accumulate.

What mask do you guys use? Because when I changed from a pillow to the Philips Dream wear mask it is the closest thing I have to not wearing one. No hose on the chest. Only silicon coming down the side of head and under right to the nose. See even this guy makes it look like you can snuggle up with the wife again.

Warrning: wife will still stay away with that thing on face.
I tried that nose thing and couldn't get a good seal with it, or couldn't keep the seal when I moved. I don't remember which. I use the full nose covering mask.

That pic looks like he's trying to tickle her with that thing. "Oh Bob, you're so funny!"
I use CPAP cleaning wipes on my mask every morning, switch to a new mask every month. My reservoir is dishwasher safe so it gets run through every Sunday. I swap filters when I switch masks, and I swap hoses every three months when the new one arrives in the mail.