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Contact Lenses Yay / Nay?


I pre-date cheese sauce
First Responder
Hello Gents:
Some feedback needed. I have been considering contacts for some time. Currently I wear progressive lenses and have for sometime, however the cost of Sunglasses, and then Riding glasses (Prescription Oakley's are not cheap) this is becoming an option. As I understand it there are no "progressive" contact available, but the do have "multi-focal" lenses. I assume this means that unlike progressives where you have 3-4 zones, the multi focal have 2? Pros / Cons taking into consideration Far Vision / Medium Vision 18-36 inches (barbering) and reading. Any opinions would be appreciated.

It was years ago I gave them a try and saw fine with the multi focals but my eyes dried out in an hour or 2 so gave them up. That said I hear they've made vast improvements but I just never went back as I think I have to wide a variance in the prescriptions now. Never a problem putting them in for me.
Nurse Dave was just asking about this. I used to wear them when I was coaching and doing acrobatics.
When I was looking into it, they had a couple of options, some people will wear two different contacts. Distance in their dominant eye and reading in the other. I tested that for a few days and hated it, so went to the more expensive multi-focus.

They worked really well for me, but reading felt like I had to work harder to focus. For the things you're talking about they will work just fine.

I don't like to wear contacts all day, eyes get too dry, so I'd just use mine in the gym. In your case, you might just do your barbershop work as you are and swap the contacts in and out.

Anyway, it's not a big deal to get a pair to test, totally worth a go.
I have weighted contacts because my eyes are bad. I do sometimes in the evening still put in reading glasses for a little extra magnification. Honestly I'd say try them. Most docs give you a free weeks sample to see how they go. Also i only wear dailies
I'd recommend giving them a shot just to see if you can get a pair that works for you. Technology has come a long way since the last time I tried, so I'm sure if there isn't something absolutely perfect for you, it'll be damn close and you can supplement with glasses when needed.
I love my contacts, but I'm sort of an oddity according to my eye Dr.. Both eyes are the same which is nice, but I put a pair in and then I may throw them out 6ish months later to put a new pair in. I don't mean clean them every night and stretch the use for that long, I mean they are in my eyes that long. I work, sleep, swim, whatever... This pair I'm wearing now, I put in in Feb.
I am aware that can cause severe damage, but the doc makes sure and checks every exam and everything is still good. I was honest with him and told him what I do so he makes sure to check closely. The boss on the other hand, has to take hers out after an 8 hour day normally.
I have a very low prescription for nearsightedness. I just wear one contact for distance in my left eye and see close with the non contact right eye. Works well when I do it. But truth be told I hardly wear them.
Thanks Guys, Well have a trial pair in and so far so good as Cole mentioned two different prescriptions and an astigmatism so multi focus is a no go so Doc suggested a good mid./Far and a 1.00 reade for up close, So we will see and then decide little weird in Taking out and putting in and a bit interesting feeling wise but so far so good

Thanks for all the input
Have not placed them back in yet, but eyes are feeling a bit funky, teary, etc not bad, and I assume this is just part of the acclimation for my eyes Right??
Have not placed them back in yet, but eyes are feeling a bit funky, teary, etc not bad, and I assume this is just part of the acclimation for my eyes Right??


Did you do weeklies? Monthlies? Dailies?

Also remember contacts are like shoes if one brand doesn't work for you don't be afraid to get a sample for another brand.

Did you do weeklies? Monthlies? Dailies?

Also remember contacts are like shoes if one brand doesn't work for you don't be afraid to get a sample for another brand.
Thanks Chad, The doc state "two-weeks" officially, but 4-5 weeks so monthly I guess, they are "Oasystonic"
Have not placed them back in yet, but eyes are feeling a bit funky, teary, etc not bad, and I assume this is just part of the acclimation for my eyes Right??

Did you mix the contacts up with one of those spicy tortilla chips?
Thanks Chad, The doc state "two-weeks" officially, but 4-5 weeks so monthly I guess, they are "Oasystonic"

So I'm sure you'll quickly learn that you will still wear glasses occasionally. This is why I recommend dailies. The sticker shock is crazy when you see the cost for a true year supply. BUT if you figure you only wear contacts on days you are cutting hair for example, and glasses when home. Maybe a 6 month supply will do better. I'll say this the most comfortable contacts are the dailies. And they do have dailies that are for astigmatism.
Have not placed them back in yet, but eyes are feeling a bit funky, teary, etc not bad, and I assume this is just part of the acclimation for my eyes Right??
Either that or you're going blind. Time will tell...