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Congressional hearing on UFOs / UAP

Interesting, they're actually bringing up the 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident where 10 nuclear missiles went into a "no go" (unlaunchable) condition at the same time a UFO was observed by topside security personnel hovering above the base. In fact, the Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander on duty that night, Capt. Robert Salas, has gone on record stating that the event did indeed take place.

I also thought it interesting that Congressman Mike Gallagher brought up the topic of Special Access Projects (SAPs) (acknowledged or unacknowledged) citing the "Admiral Wilson Memo" re. DoD & DIA contracts / programs investigating and/or researching recovered UAP/UFO material / technologies.

Interesting, they're actually bringing up the 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident where 10 nuclear missiles went into a "no go" (unlaunchable) condition at the same time a UFO was observed by topside security personnel hovering above the base. In fact, the Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander on duty that night, Capt. Robert Salas, has gone on record stating that the event did indeed take place.

I also thought it interesting that Congressman Mike Gallagher brought up the topic of Special Access Projects (SAPs) (acknowledged or unacknowledged) citing the "Admiral Wilson Memo" re. DoD & DIA contracts / programs investigating and/or researching recovered UAP/UFO material / technologies.

That’s one of the more compelling incidents for sure.
When I was younger, I was really interested in this topic, but YouTube killed it for me, there were just so many fakes out there, or videos with totally natural explanations being hyped up as definitive proof. E.g. it’s just a plane, drone, cars driving up a mountain at night etc….
I’ve got a degree in physics, and statistically have to believe there’s a reasonable chance of something being out there, but as for proof, haven’t seen it.

Still there are a few things that I haven’t seen good explanations for yet.
The nuke base, I remember when they held a press conference, who knows what happened, but it does seem to have happened.
Foo Fighters, too many reports to offhandedly discount.
but the one that blew the doors off seems to be the US Navy incident off the coast of San Diego.
Still, with the amount of BS out there, and people wanting to find was of turning this topic into money or fame, I just have to sit on the fence and enjoy this nice tub of popcorn.
When I was younger, I was really interested in this topic, but YouTube killed it for me, there were just so many fakes out there, or videos with totally natural explanations being hyped up as definitive proof. E.g. it’s just a plane, drone, cars driving up a mountain at night etc….
I’ve got a degree in physics, and statistically have to believe there’s a reasonable chance of something being out there, but as for proof, haven’t seen it.

Still there are a few things that I haven’t seen good explanations for yet.
The nuke base, I remember when they held a press conference, who knows what happened, but it does seem to have happened.
Foo Fighters, too many reports to offhandedly discount.
but the one that blew the doors off seems to be the US Navy incident off the coast of San Diego.
Still, with the amount of BS out there, and people wanting to find was of turning this topic into money or fame, I just have to sit on the fence and enjoy this nice tub of popcorn.
I've had a lifelong interest in the subject but like you, I'm skeptical of 99.9% of the videos, photos, etc. that's out there today. You have to be with CGI betting better and better all the time and actually blurring the lines between what's real and what's fabricated. IMO the most compelling evidence is from back during the 40's through the 50's into the 60's.

One of the most compelling arguments for the validity of the subject was made by film maker James Fox when he organized a panel at the National Press Club back in the early 2000's. These were not yokels from the back woods claiming they saw little green men while working at their moonshine stills, these were ex military personnel (from the US and around the globe), pilots, government officials, and a former FAA Division Chief giving testimony about various events and incidents which occurred over the past 50+ years.

It was quite interesting.

If you're interested check out these two films..

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Part 2 is just the panel presentation and discussion.
I've had a lifelong interest in the subject but like you, I'm skeptical of 99.9% of the videos, photos, etc. that's out there today. You have to be with CGI betting better and better all the time and actually blurring the lines between what's real and what's fabricated. IMO the most compelling evidence is from back during the 40's through the 50's into the 60's.

One of the most compelling arguments for the validity of the subject was made by film maker James Fox when he organized a panel at the National Press Club back in the early 2000's. These were not yokels from the back woods claiming they saw little green men while working at their moonshine stills, these were ex military personnel (from the US and around the globe), pilots, government officials, and a former FAA Division Chief giving testimony about various events and incidents which occurred over the past 50+ years.

It was quite interesting.

If you're interested check out these two films..

View attachment 83522 View attachment 83521

Part 2 is just the panel presentation and discussion.
100% on the older stuff still being the most compelling.

I watched quite a bit of the press conference when it came out, that’s the one I was mentioning too, very hard to discount that group of testimony. I’ll look for pt. 1.

I’m sure you‘ve seen a lot of the USS Nimitz stuff, that’s what got my interest back up.

For sure, you have to keep an open mind, both ways.
100% on the older stuff still being the most compelling.

I watched quite a bit of the press conference when it came out, that’s the one I was mentioning too, very hard to discount that group of testimony. I’ll look for pt. 1.

I’m sure you‘ve seen a lot of the USS Nimitz stuff, that’s what got my interest back up.

For sure, you have to keep an open mind, both ways.
Yeah I've seen the three videos that were originally released. They debunked the "triange" video in the hearing. There's also the "splash down" video that came out:

You really can't tell a lot from them other than yes, there is something there and, based on the cockpit chatter (especially in the "go fast" video), the pilots seem genuinely stunned with what they saw.
Yeah I've seen the three videos that were originally released. They debunked the "triange" video in the hearing. There's also the "splash down" video that came out:

You really can't tell a lot from them other than yes, there is something there and, based on the cockpit chatter (especially in the "go fast" video), the pilots seem genuinely stunned with what they saw.
Yeah, it was more that they were taken aback that got me. Like you said, for the most part no one was saying what it was, which is the best stance IMO.

I’ll look for that bit in the hearing. Sadly the part I was watched was, shall i say, dry.
Probably a bored engineer getting payback with a laser pointer.
Cat approved technique!
