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compare Assention DOC with GC 84

Does anyone know how the PAA stainless steel Assention DOC compares to the Game Changer 84 as far as aggression? Will IT take some time (learning curve) to get a smooth shave with the DOC? What blade would you recommend with the DOC? The only open comb razor I shave with is a British Tech which is very mild. Just trying to decide if I should try the Assention. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Have only tried one of the two and it’s really nice. I never compare Safety Bar razors to OC razors doesn’t seem the same to me in my head.
They are both great shavers. The DOC Ascension is adjustable using the blade for spring tension. It makes for an interesting shave. I think the DOC is more aggressive. It does have a bit of a learning curve. You should pick one up.
I haven’t even shaved with mine yet and I’ve had it for almost a month. Today though, I’m going to give the Copper Ascension it’s first go. Shouldn’t be that much different from the SS version. Maybe just weight as the Copper is a bit heavier over the SS. Comparing the 2 between the RR GC and the Ascension Twist I personally would give the edge to the Ascension in both smoothness and efficiency. That extreme curvature of the razor head really does give it a decent amount of adjustability. And the DOC configuration really does help in bringing along a bit of lather for some extra lubrication on each pass. I’ve never given myself a bad shave yet with the Ascension. We’ll see how today’s shave pans out....

I will say that the packaging that the Copper Ascension comes in is much more upscale than what the SS or Alum. versions came in. Pretty nice if you ask me....






Thanks GlazedBoker, very nice review of the two razors, exactly the info I was looking for. I'm going to try to save a little bit here and there to put toward getting an Assention even though I not sure why as I always get a bbs everytime with my GC 84.
Shaved with my GC .84 today using the same soap and blade that I used for the DOC Ascension yesterday. Both razors give a great shave. The DOC is definitely more aggressive than the GC, but the GC doesn't lose much efficiency for being less aggressive. They are both great. The DOC does want to bite a little more than the GC.