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Comparable Density to Chubby 2?


I shave @ FL360
Just curious as to whether anyone has encountered a badger knot that is as dense as a Simpson Chubby 2, and if so, what. I have several that are almost as dense (ie. Paladin, Shavemac, Thater), but not quite. The reason I ask is that my CH2 has started to lose about half a dozen hairs per shave which is driving me nuts, and I'm looking for an ultra-dense knot that is comparable.
Just curious as to whether anyone has encountered a badger knot that is as dense as a Simpson Chubby 2, and if so, what. I have several that are almost as dense (ie. Paladin, Shavemac, Thater), but not quite. The reason I ask is that my CH2 has started to lose about half a dozen hairs per shave which is driving me nuts, and I'm looking for an ultra-dense knot that is comparable.
I can't help beyond what your're already familiar with. Maybe hit up Josh when he surfaces and ask about Declaration Grooming?
There is nothing as dense as the Chubby line in my experience. Your best bet may be to have an artisan make you a brush adjusting the loft to compensate for the reduced amount of badger hair in most knots.
I can't help beyond what your're already familiar with. Maybe hit up Josh when he surfaces and ask about Declaration Grooming?

I was kind of wondering about DG.

There is nothing as dense as the Chubby line in my experience. Your best bet may be to have an artisan make you a brush adjusting the loft to compensate for the reduced amount of badger hair in most knots.

Yeh, after having/used over 80+ brushes, I've come to that conclusion as well, thus my query. And I have had Rudy Vey make me many brushes, utilizing Shavemac knots of all the grades, adjusting lofts, and while excellent knots and enjoyable brushes, still not as dense as the CH2.
Maybe a combo of a stiffer hair + lower loft? A shavemac D01 perhaps?

Also, is it a question of density or knot size?
Maybe a combo of a stiffer hair + lower loft? A shavemac D01 perhaps?

Also, is it a question of density or knot size?

I've had many Shavemac brushes, in a all grades of hair and shapes. The ones that I still own are: two DO1, 2-bands - a flat top (which is AWESOME), the other fan (too scrubby); two "finest" with one in bulb, the other fan - both awesome!; one DO1, 2-band "regular" silvertip fan - awesome! And a 3-band regular silvertip bulb that's a monster at 32/64 and awesome. But it isn't a knot size issue, or loft ration issue - it's specifically a density issue.

I know you can have Simpsons re-knot it for you

Not sure it would be worth the effort. But I may inquire.
Chris, from my experience, I have encountered a few Shavemac D01 3-Band knots of comparable density to the Chubby 2 3-Band. I can't be certain that it was exactly as dense, but the D01 3-Bands that Bernd offers are quite dense and I believe you would find this hair type similar to the Chubby 2 3-Band. However, I would have to say that the tips of the Shavemac aren't as soft as the Chubby 2, initially. However, again, for density, I believe it is.
You could always contact Bernd to confirm.
Chris, from my experience, I have encountered a few Shavemac D01 3-Band knots of comparable density to the Chubby 2 3-Band. I can't be certain that it was exactly as dense, but the D01 3-Bands that Bernd offers are quite dense and I believe you would find this hair type similar to the Chubby 2 3-Band. However, I would have to say that the tips of the Shavemac aren't as soft as the Chubby 2, initially. However, again, for density, I believe it is.
You could always contact Bernd to confirm.
Thanks, Celestino. I've actually had two different Shavemac DO1, 3-band brushes. One in bulb, the other fan. The bulb was dense, no doubt; the fan not quite as much. But both were too scritchy for me, and thus don't have them anymore. I've still got 2 Shavemac DO1, 2-band brushes. One in flat top, which is super soft tipped and one of my favorite brushes; the other in fan which is very scrubby and not to my liking. And of course, in terms of Shavemacs, I still have a fan in the new 2-band silvertip, which is outstanding; a Finest in fan, which is also excellent; and a regular 3-band silvertip in a monster bulb @ 32/64 which is pure luxury. But I'm going to be keeping an eye out for Declaration and Black Eagle - maybe I'll be lucky enough to get one someday.
Good luck, Chris.
One more thing, some of the brushes from China, such as Maseto Shaving and Frank Shaving might offer a knot almost as dense as the Chubby series, but they won't be as well constructed.

Out of curiosity, why are you looking for a replica of the Chubby 2? For me, there isn't anything better if you like 3-Band hair with density, unless you get the Chubby 3. :)
Good luck, Chris.
One more thing, some of the brushes from China, such as Maseto Shaving and Frank Shaving might offer a knot almost as dense as the Chubby series, but they won't be as well constructed.

Out of curiosity, why are you looking for a replica of the Chubby 2? For me, there isn't anything better if you like 3-Band hair with density, unless you get the Chubby 3. :)
Thanks, Celestino. The reason I'm looking is due to the fact that my CH2, after having it for about 2 years now, has been shedding more than I can tolerate. I've tried all the tricks of the trade. As a matter of fact, just 3 days ago, I did the soak in vinegar, followed by shampoo, followed by conditioner. I just did a test lather, and it lost at least a dozen to two dozen hairs. It still lathers perfectly fine, of course, but it's annoying to no end. The badger brush that I have that is closest in not only density, but more importantly, "face feel", is my new Thater 2-band fan. That's an awesome brush! It specs out about 27/52. Unbelievably soft tipped, with good backbone.
I’ve had the same experience with the same knots you mentioned. The Thater 2 band is the closest (and may be my favorite knot) but not as dense. The Shavemac D-01 is close but definitely more a scritchy. IMO the Maseto isn’t even close. I’m afraid if you want something as dense as a Chubby 2, your best bet is another Chubby 2.
That is very unfortunate, Chris. As mentioned in the post above mine, you'll have to get another Chubby 2, then if that is the case.
There is a Chubby 3 Super for sale on The Shave Nook if you want something bigger.
Best of luck.
I’ve had the same experience with the same knots you mentioned. The Thater 2 band is the closest (and may be my favorite knot) but not as dense. The Shavemac D-01 is close but definitely more a scritchy. IMO the Maseto isn’t even close. I’m afraid if you want something as dense as a Chubby 2, your best bet is another Chubby 2.
That is very unfortunate, Chris. As mentioned in the post above mine, you'll have to get another Chubby 2, then if that is the case.
There is a Chubby 3 Super for sale on The Shave Nook if you want something bigger.
Best of luck.
Thanks, Gents. And I did see that CH3 for sale, but not sure I want to go that size.
Good luck, Chris, and I don't think the Chubby 3 would be overly large, but that is coming from someone who has five Shavemac brushes all 34mm and larger. I believe I would find a Chubby 3 Super quite small, in comparison. :)
Ahhh...a little late to the party. I was going to give a little nod to DG brushes. I have a 26mm B5 (batch 5) knot in a semi-fan. (which is normal for DG hand tied bulbs). I believe he is on Batch 7 or 8 at this point. You supply the handle and order the knot on the DG website, specifying knot size. If you have a handle you would like to use, just check the required specs for each knot size on DG's site. I had a very good experience with my order...ordering my handle from WWBW (wild west brushworks) on Etsy and having them ship directly to DG for the knot install.

As far as knot qualities for the B5 is more dense than my Paladins with softer tips. Backbone is about comparable to my 26 / 54 Shavemac 2-band Silvertip fan, which is my softest tipped natural hair brush. I've used it ~20 times so far and the tips do not show any signs of hooking, but they do clump together when damp, giving a nice gel feel. Probably the most luxurious feeling brush I've used to date...more so than the Brad Sears 30mm Manchurian 3-band Silvertip.

Availability for actual DG brushes is quite limited...with Scott only releasing brushes infrequently and unannounced. However, he does have the knot tying services. As mentioned above, you just need to send in the handle with the socket meeting the listed requirements for measurements. Wait time is pretty minimal, all things considered.

IMO, if you have a handle that you're wanting a knot installed in, and are in the market for a luxury brush (ala Simpson Chubby Super), this would be another option for you.

With all of that being said...looks like you already pulled the trigger on the CH2 Super...congrats!