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Clay pigeon thrower?


"The Cadre Constable"
My son shoots trap, and right now I’m using a hand thrower for him to practice at home. I’d like to buy a mechanical thrower but need to stay in budget. It seems reviews for anything on Amazon that’s under $50 are all over the place. My upper limit is $100, but I’d like to be closer to $50 if possible.

Anybody have any recommendations?
Yeah..... but I'm the one who always throws the clays. I'm looking for something that's a bit more consistent than our hand thrower.
Cant help you but I'm impressed that you can use one of those hand throwers. They are an instrument of death in my hands!
Cant help you but I'm impressed that you can use one of those hand throwers. They are an instrument of death in my hands!
They aren't too bad..... but we usually only do 10-12 at a time, and usually one every few throws ends up in the trees. I probably just need more practice with it.
They aren't too bad..... but we usually only do 10-12 at a time, and usually one every few throws ends up in the trees. I probably just need more practice with it.
My attempts at using a hand thrower is worthy of a scene from Napoleon Dynamite.
I have one that connects to a hitch receiver. And I launch with my foot. It's very nice and consistent. I bought mine used for a nice price
I have one that connects to a hitch receiver. And I launch with my foot. It's very nice and consistent. I bought mine used for a nice price
The ones that attache to the hitch are a good bet, A lot of the issue you have with the lower cost throwers is that they hop around, it's not the thrower itself that fails its the hopping around. I have a cheap three footed job I got for a steal at the flea market that is supposed to push into the ground (like stakes into the ground) but that doesn't work well when the ground is rock hard. I usually end up getting slapped in the leg by the arm and the clay ends up going anywhere BUT down range. I have to make VERY clear to my boys NOT to shoot the clay unless its down range...I'm not doing trick shots. The fix is to seat the three legs into a heavy base, a wheel or rim might do the job. I'm holding out on a rack that will slip into the hitch that the thrower legs can drop into.
This is what I have (or very close to what I have)
Works fairly well if you can stabilize the base. The newer version of this is a little beefier and more expensive but I don't think that makes it more stable, still needs a heavy base.