The Shaving Cadre

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Chad climbs on the soap box


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
So I have been thinking awhile about making this post and it seems appropriate.

There has been a lot of joking going around about alcohol lately, over consumption, and excessive/binge drinking.

Alcoholism is a very serious disease and I have seen it ruin many lives of those I care about.

So to those on the cadre who have suffered or are suffering from alcoholism I for one apologize if I personally offended you.

Yes I enjoy bourbon, whiskey, beer, and wine. However I must promise I am always in control and always responsible when I partake. In college there were many times where I binge drank and don't remember a lot of what happened those nights. I have propped friends up so they don't choke on their own vomit. I personally have gotten to that point once in my life and vowed to NEVER do that again. And I haven't.

So I know when we drink it's a drug and it effects many people differently. Some get angry, some sleepy, and some like me get talkative and what my wife calls the giggles.

So to the cadre drink responsibly. And to those on the Zoom sessions if my humor wasn't very humorous and you took it offensively I apologize. Two weeks ago in the zoom I drank more than I have in a long time while not sick I paid for it with a headache. I usually pride myself on knowing when to stop and my judgement got the better of me. Since then I have cut way back. With this Corona virus going on I do I do not want to become dependent on a drug. I still drink and still enjoy it. But I will not drink like that again.

If you are someone who suffers from alcoholism, can't cut back, and can't say no please get help.

Anyways I wanted to get this off my chest because I know we have members who have suffered with alcoholism and I do not want to offend so to them I apologize.

Drink responsibly if you drink because if you do you get something fun like #BourbonandPole.

That's all Cadre.
Thanks for this Chad. I have been fortunate that neither I nor anyone in my family has had substance abuse issues. But, like you, I have seen many friends and others who have suffered short and longer-term problems from alcohol and other drugs.

I can't speak for others, but I have not been offended by anything you've done or said on the Zoom sessions that I've attended. Having said that, I will admit to being a little concerned for you. Because you and I don't know each other well, it's been hard to judge if this is a problem for you. I take you at your word when you say that you are in control and by bringing this up, I know that you are at least self-aware of how it may look to others. If you ever feel that you're not in control, know that I (and I'm sure many others) will be there for you to help.

Thanks for this Chad. I have been fortunate that neither I nor anyone in my family has had substance abuse issues. But, like you, I have seen many friends and others who have suffered short and longer-term problems from alcohol and other drugs.

I can't speak for others, but I have not been offended by anything you've done or said on the Zoom sessions that I've attended. Having said that, I will admit to being a little concerned for you. Because you and I don't know each other well, it's been hard to judge if this is a problem for you. I take you at your word when you say that you are in control and by bringing this up, I know that you are at least self-aware of how it may look to others. If you ever feel that you're not in control, know that I (and I'm sure many others) will be there for you to help.


Thanks Bob I appreciate it. Definitely in control, and will admit that two weeks ago I had a little too much. I'm man enough to own it and move forward.
Definitely always have to think of are members that are in recovery. Some things can be very triggering.
Thanks for that. I don’t have a problem with alchohol but for personal reasons don’t drink haven’t for 25 years. But I’m always up for a good joke, so don’t take any offense when others imbibe as long as it responsibly,
Bravo. Great post......And I agree we can all find some humour in it as long as it is kept reasonable....
And like previously stated if you or a loved one need help please visit......
Thanks for this Chad. I have been fortunate that neither I nor anyone in my family has had substance abuse issues. But, like you, I have seen many friends and others who have suffered short and longer-term problems from alcohol and other drugs.

I can't speak for others, but I have not been offended by anything you've done or said on the Zoom sessions that I've attended. Having said that, I will admit to being a little concerned for you. Because you and I don't know each other well, it's been hard to judge if this is a problem for you. I take you at your word when you say that you are in control and by bringing this up, I know that you are at least self-aware of how it may look to others. If you ever feel that you're not in control, know that I (and I'm sure many others) will be there for you to help.

Agreed. If anyone ever needs to talk just pm and if need be I'm sure others will agree call one of us. I for one would provide a number.