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Brush or Razor??


Doften Savant
I'm going to be visiting home in California next month and am trying to budget in one high end shave item.

I'm thinking of either a Razor Emporium Made to Order Aristocrat - or - a Paladin brush.

The brush is more costly, but I also can't get them shipped here and I have no badger brushes. (I don't want a cheap badger so if I get one it needs to be top tier.)

Help me make up my mind?

(Disclaimer: of course I can make up my mind without you knobs, but what's the point of being a member if you can't discuss this sort of thing?)
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I have no personal dealings with either one but i hear a lot of good about paladin and neutral to poor about dealings with RE.
While I don't have a Paladin's reputation precedes itself. Everyone should have a nice badger brush more so than a vintage razor...though a nice Aristocrat is something special. If you have to pick one or the other...go for the brush now. But in a perfect should get both! 🤪
I have no personal dealings with either one but i hear a lot of good about paladin and neutral to poor about dealings with RE.
@HMan Ditto to what Kyle said about RE. I have Paladin brushes and Ken is TOP NOTCH in attention to detail and customer care. Go Paladin !!!
Wow guys, thanks for the replies, I was pretty much leaning that way already, but now am sure. I just have to make up one other mind - my wife's!
Looking at the site, one thing I can't figure out, what do the A01, A02, etc codes mean?
Just to stir things up, I'd say contact Eric and have two custom brushes made instead of buying one Paladin. That is if you don't have a Sorrentino brush yet.
Looking at the site, one thing I can't figure out, what do the A01, A02, etc codes mean?
Nothing important. A01, means the first time a brush has been made in that configuration, A02 is the second time. So, if you get a 01, yours is the first one ever made like that.
A bit late to the party, but I agree with getting the Paladin - 1) Since, as you say you can’t get them normally, and 2) I’m sure they do a fine job, but RE is pretty outrageous in price IMO.