The Shaving Cadre

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Bowl vs. Face Lathering - Which knots are best for which use????

I face lather and usually use hard soaps. I always preferred a boar bush as I found the Badgers too soft. About 2 years ago Graydog (Steve over at B&B) gave me a horse hair knot in one of his hand turned handles and I have been happy since. Softer than a Boar but with a nice backbone.
This is why I find synths better for bowl lathering. Then they don't need to hold the water as much before incorporation into the lather.

Fair enough. I just haven’t had enough issues with it in how I’ve learned to build lather for it to matter against its benefits. If I built like Josh does with his spritzes, I’d probably have a lot more issues and not be as impressed.
I face lather and usually use hard soaps. I always preferred a boar bush as I found the Badgers too soft. About 2 years ago Graydog (Steve over at B&B) gave me a horse hair knot in one of his hand turned handles and I have been happy since. Softer than a Boar but with a nice backbone.
His horse hair brushes are legendary over there. I have a badger and mixed knot from him that I enjoy.
For me, it's more about which brush holds enough lather and feels good on the face.basically any synthetic 24mm and up does this for me and that's why I enjoy each and every one of my 30 synthetics.

I have about 15 badger brushes too and I enjoy them but not as much as my synthetics.
I don’t choose. Every brush for every purpose.

Yup. The only consideration I have is that a short handled brush when used with a bowl can result in knuckle knocking(TM). Wee Scots and bowl lathers never meet.
CHALLENGE!! (now just need a Wee Scot)

I got this!

I’ll never deny a challenge, whether direct or indirect, implied or otherwise.

This is what’s on deck for tomorrow’s shave. My entire shave fits in my bowl. Or Bob, would you prefer I use something like my Captain’s Choice bowl? I’m good either way. Stay tuned to tomorrow’s VLOG!

I dunno...Wee brush needs a wee bowl and wee razor.

Like those people that do the little baked goods...
