The Shaving Cadre

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Blades that stick to the razorback game changer baseplate and solutions to not break the blade or cut yourself


Shave Newbie
Hi Guys I'm a fairly new wet shaver returning after 45 years. I've really enjoyed Dagwood's channel and have learned a lot over this past year. My issue for the cadre is how I've found that my two favorite blades {Nacets and Astra greens} get very stuck to the baseplates on both of my Gamechangers. I actually snapped one at first and now I'm careful but I almost cut myself every time fighting with it. I see that both of these blades have a lot of wax because this doesn't happen with the Rapiras or Voskhods. Have others encountered this and found a solution or do I need to rub down these blades before putting them on? Any help would be appreciated because I really like the Gamechangers. I have tried pouring alcohol on the razor after shaving and cleaning.
You can run hot water on the blade prior to installing to remove excess wax. Also when removing the blade try running hot water on it in the razor just prior to removing. I haven't had trouble with the GC but my Vector is tough and running hot water on it seems to make it easier. Welcome to the Cadre! You should enter the Pif in the pif section for new members if you like. Either way Glad you found us !! (y)
Both of them are made in Russia, and as all St. Petersburg blades have lot of glue in the middle. Rinsing them with hot water, and rubbing with your fingers, before first use works fine, because most of glue is on the blade itself. This is great now, few years back all their blades had 4 glue dots, in the corners, going all over blade edges. That could stuck in any razor ;)
You can run hot water on the blade prior to installing to remove excess wax. Also when removing the blade try running hot water on it in the razor just prior to removing. I haven't had trouble with the GC but my Vector is tough and running hot water on it seems to make it easier. Welcome to the Cadre! You should enter the Pif in the pif section for new members if you like. Either way Glad you found us !! (y)
Dave beat me to it(y)
Weird. I tend to not use blades that have the glue dots..... but I've never had an issue with blades sticking to the razor before. That's crazy that they would stick that badly! Good advice above. Good luck and Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome to TSC @bobser !!! I have had this issue a few times but not in a while. I think the hot water does the trick mostly. Also...and I hate to admit that I did this...I have used a really small pair of needle nose pliers to aid in the blade removal. Anyway...welcome to the cadre!
Hi Don Thanks. I have emailed Italian Barber because this actually really bothers me. I'm really not a complainer but without overstating it removing these blades is pretty ridiculous I have to really pull on it and bend it to get it off.. It is not the wax because now I've cleaned the blades prior to use. I can actually hear the blade click on the baseplate. Italian Barber replied that their tolerances are so tight that this happens and it's better to be tight. For me this is beyond tight tolerances. I'm surprised but not really at the lack of hearing my frustration on their part. Thanks for the welcome and I hope some members read this so they know what they might be getting if they buy one
Bummer you’re having trouble with your GC. The blades do stick a bit in my .68 and .84 OC, but with a little bit of wiggling, I don’t usually have issues unless the wax dot on the blade was super blobby. I never hear rattling on non-waxed blades and haven’t felt like I’m going to cut myself.
@bobser I have blades stick ridiculously on my Blackland Vector due to tight tolerances. Some contacted them and they sent another head or baseplate to correct it. I opted for the hot water and while not perfect it does help facilitate removal to be easier. It expands the metal some from the heat.
@bobser I have blades stick ridiculously on my Blackland Vector due to tight tolerances. Some contacted them and they sent another head or baseplate to correct it. I opted for the hot water and while not perfect it does help facilitate removal to be easier. It expands the metal some from the heat.
Interesting. No blade sticking issues on my Vector. I get a suction effect when disassembling and flipping the blade (after each use), but I can get enough purchase with my fingers on the non-sharp sides of the blade to easily slide it off the post.
Interesting. No blade sticking issues on my Vector. I get a suction effect when disassembling and flipping the blade (after each use), but I can get enough purchase with my fingers on the non-sharp sides of the blade to easily slide it off the post.
It was a hit and miss issue. I forget who sent theirs back for an exchange. I make do just fine. Wouldn't take anything for my Vector and sometimes do consider getting a backup, but I'm sick that way....