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Back Roads Gold Re-Plate Service

Dave in KY

Shave Newbie
I thought it would be a good idea to have this here for others that are looking for a re-plate company. They look amazing. My experience with Chris Spencer was Stellar from email and communication to getting the finished product back. I had a Gillette Red Tip and Fatboy done. From the day I mailed them till they arrived completed was 10 days total. I noticed a metal sound, kinda squeaky on open and closing them but they operate fine. After letting him know he explained that it is the metal on metal sound and will go away as you get your natural oils and soap oils thru use coating it. He prefers this over adding oils to quiet it. He assured me it will be fine and if any problem, just let him know. Makes perfect sense to me and no doubt I'll be using Back Roads Gold again in the future.
No before pics of the Fatboy but.........
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They shore do clean up somethin' special! Going to have to buff em after each use because you can't be leaving water spots on those shiny guys.
Nice. I have two I am thinking of re-plating: a Tech and a New SC. This looks like the place for me. Thanks for the inspection report.
Always love to see old tried-and-trues getting a new shine on them. Makes me want to get my tech replated.
So I had commented in a video about the Fatboy not quite having the 1/4 turn and not wanting to force it and the squeaky noise opening and closing was bugging me. Chris said send it back when I had time and he would oil it and get it quiet as well as ensure the 1/4 turn was working. I mailed it this past Monday (5 days ago) and it arrived back today quiet and with the 1/4 turn working fine. You can't beat customer service like that. He posted it in the mail the same day he got it. I highly recommend Chris at Back Roads Gold for replates (y)
Dang, makes me want to get something plated just to use their service.
Have four of his Dave and they are all wonderful. 38 Sheraton, New LC and two New SC. Quality guy Chris! If I ever get another Red Tip that gold plate looks awesome.
Thanks Ed, yeah Chris is great guy to work with. 2 done and certainly will have some more done down the road. Thinking about my Nacet razor when I find a handle I like better for it and perhaps another that escapes me at the moment