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Any Custom PC, Gaming, or Keyboard Enthusiasts?

Okay so I searched for any threads on this topic and didn't see anything. Not that I haven't done that and failed before...šŸ˜

Any computer enthusiasts? I've been a building computers and keyboards since I was a wee lad and have recently gotten back in to it. I've built myself a mini-itx build. Show me your PCs, gaming setups, custom keyboards, etc!

Case - Louque Ghost S1
Motherboard - Asus Rog Strix B-450I
Processor - AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Graphics Card - PowerColor RedDragon 5700
Water Cooler - NZXT Kraken X52. Swapped out the stock fans for some Noctuas.
RAM - G.SKill 16gb 3200
ROM - 2 Inland Premium 1tb NVME drives
Power Supply - Corsair SF600
Custom cables from


I built my current PC several years ago as a budget gaming pc. I have updated the graphics a couple times but even that has been a few years. the fast majority of my gaming has become mobile, which is fun, but i miss pc gaming for sure. just don't have much time for it anymore.
Mine is pretty pathetic.
AMD FX 6300 3.5GHz 6 core processor
8 GB ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750TI 2GB video card
I believe a 640W power supply

I had it built by cyberpower and can't recall the motherboard that was used. I had it built with liquid cooling, but it quit in me and almost burned up my processor. Had it replaced and just went with a heat sync and fan this time.

I said it's pathetic, but I can actually run Skyrim with a full ENB, custom skeletons, 4k skin textures, 2k landscapes, lighting mods, HDT physics on bodies and outfits, way more scripted mods than I should have, and still run a pretty consistent 30- 35 fps.
I built my current PC several years ago as a budget gaming pc. I have updated the graphics a couple times but even that has been a few years. the fast majority of my gaming has become mobile, which is fun, but i miss pc gaming for sure. just don't have much time for it anymore.

I hear that. I've had this computer since January and I've played maybe 2 hrs. lol

Mine is pretty pathetic.
AMD FX 6300 3.5GHz 6 core processor
8 GB ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750TI 2GB video card
I believe a 640W power supply

I had it built by cyberpower and can't recall the motherboard that was used. I had it built with liquid cooling, but it quit in me and almost burned up my processor. Had it replaced and just went with a heat sync and fan this time.

I said it's pathetic, but I can actually run Skyrim with a full ENB, custom skeletons, 4k skin textures, 2k landscapes, lighting mods, HDT physics on bodies and outfits, way more scripted mods than I should have, and still run a pretty consistent 30- 35 fps.

Wow, that's crazy! You're pushing that PC to the limit! šŸ¤£ Does it get hot?
Wow, that's crazy! You're pushing that PC to the limit! šŸ¤£ Does it get hot?
To be fair, it is the original skyrim, not the remastered. So it is on a 32 bit system instead of the 64. Since it's only using 2Gb of ram for the game, I have my .ini edited to utilize some of the rest to help out the video card.
Some of the higher end ENBs are beyond what I can run also. My favorite one drops me to about 9 fps, so I don't use that one.
The last time I monitored it was just after getting the liquid cooler removed and the heat sync put in. It was staying fairly decent on temps. I've got 4 other fans going in the case besides the cpu, power supply, and the 2 on the video card though.

Here is some of what my game looks like.



To be fair, it is the original skyrim, not the remastered. So it is on a 32 bit system instead of the 64. Since it's only using 2Gb of ram for the game, I have my .ini edited to utilize some of the rest to help out the video card.
Some of the higher end ENBs are beyond what I can run also. My favorite one drops me to about 9 fps, so I don't use that one.
The last time I monitored it was just after getting the liquid cooler removed and the heat sync put in. It was staying fairly decent on temps. I've got 4 other fans going in the case besides the cpu, power supply, and the 2 on the video card though.

Here is some of what my game looks like.

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View attachment 23437

View attachment 23438

Very cool. I've never played Skyrim. I'll have to check it out.
I donā€™t KNOW what Iā€™m doing when it comes to computers these days but there was a time 20 years ago I managed a laboratory and knew enough about computers and networking to cobble together an interface between two very old systems and build a parallel-backup system that was used when the regular hospital lab system went down (which was often) and was designed to operate on a computer that thought it was a decade earlier on New Years 2000 ...just in case the world came to an end. I took a nap the morning after the Y2K frenzy was over and everything about computing changed, now itā€™s like I donā€™t know anything...but I still know the magic tech trick. ā€œ please power down, unplug wait for 10 seconds (or Longer) then restore power and restartā€ if youā€™ve been good this year the tech gods will be kind and reward you will a functioning system for the remainder of your shift.

All of that said, I recall reading something recently about the AMD Ryzan professor being both amazing and the worst thing ever. I guess when it was first released it had some bugs in the BIOS that needed to be worked out so people that bought early machines with it that didnā€™t get updates done were left with bricks. Seeing you choose the Ryzan processor means they must truly be wonderful.

I was just telling @BarberDave and @Cvargo how I am still nursing my old 2012 laptop along because I donā€™t want to give up Windows 8 for Windows 10 or whatever is being run right Now. Itā€™s not that I LOVE windows 8 but I do hate change (and having worked with w10 on the few computers I got for my kids I donā€™t like it). I also have all my programs installed, as in RESIDENT ON THE HARD DRIVE on my computer without subscription, which is a vintage concept these days. I am just now getting around to maxing out the RAM, I was running 12gb but Iā€™ve ordered two 8gb sticks so I will have 16gb ...WOW! I am currently running an 3rd generation i3 processor (details escape me at the moment) but Iā€™ve ordered a compatible 3rd generation i7 that has slightly better stats. All in the RAM and processor upgrade cost less than $200, if I wanted to add a solid state drivefor the speed trifecta I could still be under $300(doing it all on the cheap side knowing itā€™s a low end machine to begin with).

I am worried however that my attempt to replace the processor with result in a BIOS problem. I canā€™t find any BIOS updates that reference the i7 OR the actual version Iā€™m running now so itā€™s either going to work or itā€™s not.
I donā€™t KNOW what Iā€™m doing when it comes to computers these days but there was a time 20 years ago I managed a laboratory and knew enough about computers and networking to cobble together an interface between two very old systems and build a parallel-backup system that was used when the regular hospital lab system went down (which was often) and was designed to operate on a computer that thought it was a decade earlier on New Years 2000 ...just in case the world came to an end. I took a nap the morning after the Y2K frenzy was over and everything about computing changed, now itā€™s like I donā€™t know anything...but I still know the magic tech trick. ā€œ please power down, unplug wait for 10 seconds (or Longer) then restore power and restartā€ if youā€™ve been good this year the tech gods will be kind and reward you will a functioning system for the remainder of your shift.

All of that said, I recall reading something recently about the AMD Ryzan professor being both amazing and the worst thing ever. I guess when it was first released it had some bugs in the BIOS that needed to be worked out so people that bought early machines with it that didnā€™t get updates done were left with bricks. Seeing you choose the Ryzan processor means they must truly be wonderful.

I was just telling @BarberDave and @Cvargo how I am still nursing my old 2012 laptop along because I donā€™t want to give up Windows 8 for Windows 10 or whatever is being run right Now. Itā€™s not that I LOVE windows 8 but I do hate change (and having worked with w10 on the few computers I got for my kids I donā€™t like it). I also have all my programs installed, as in RESIDENT ON THE HARD DRIVE on my computer without subscription, which is a vintage concept these days. I am just now getting around to maxing out the RAM, I was running 12gb but Iā€™ve ordered two 8gb sticks so I will have 16gb ...WOW! I am currently running an 3rd generation i3 processor (details escape me at the moment) but Iā€™ve ordered a compatible 3rd generation i7 that has slightly better stats. All in the RAM and processor upgrade cost less than $200, if I wanted to add a solid state drivefor the speed trifecta I could still be under $300(doing it all on the cheap side knowing itā€™s a low end machine to begin with).

I am worried however that my attempt to replace the processor with result in a BIOS problem. I canā€™t find any BIOS updates that reference the i7 OR the actual version Iā€™m running now so itā€™s either going to work or itā€™s not.

I too was in to networking around 20 years ago. I never really worked in the field though.

The Ryzen seems to have surpassed the Intel in popularity. They're a much better value. After using an I5 for a few years, I just don't see going back after using the Ryzen.

It's always a pain to upgrade your operating system for sure. lol