The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Another fella from Southern California!


Shave Newbie
Hello everyone!

I'm Crag, Matt Manzano on all the Facebook forums and Titanic_Treasures on eBay. I have been wet-shaving since 2007 and have been a member of nearly every shaving forum / group I could find, sans Reddit, since I just can't figure that site I'm a 911 Emergency Number Professional and a member of NENA, which sets standards for 911 call centers known as PSAP's in the USA and surrounding countries. I am a solution architect and design multi-site deployments of the 911 system for governments, universities, and small municipalities alike.

I mainly use a DE, but on occasion will use a Feather DX razor...I've had straights, but my hands are too shaky to really use them efficiently since I can't really strop them properly. I had an accident changing a Nitrogen H Tank that left me with some residual nerve damage in my right hand, so I've adapted to using DE's primarily. I prefer fan shaped badger 2-band knots near 26-28mm, but have a fair few Synthetics, too. I'm totally addicted to shaving and am on an ultra high ingredient soap kick right now. I've acquired Tallow+Steel, Sebum, Nuavia, THB Tangerine Creeper, MdC Agrumes, and a good sized sample of Original, and a few other higher end soaps, over the last few weeks.

I'm hunting for a T+S Kyoto and Yakushima set, MdC Vetiver, and pretty much every citrus scent I can

I use Wizamet blades, and primarily face-lather, though I did just acquire a scuttle and a ceramic bowl so I'm looking forward to trying that out. My water is super hard where I live, so my soaps/creams need to be tolerant of that.

I guess you could say I'm just a big shave nerd! I hope I fit in... I try to be very fair in trades and sales, and look for the same from people I trade or buy from.

I'm always looking for a good trade.

Hit me up if you have any questions, just want to chat.


Hi Matt, big fan of 911, not so much the show. Baby paramedic here, and I'm glad you found this group. Sounds like you'll fit it just fine. Welcome!
Chances are I've probably spoken to your city/county about NG911. I have nothing but profound respect for our first responders to include 911 call-taking telecommunicators and dispatchers. Thanks for what you do!
Hell, I'd love to know more about what's coming in the future. Not a lot of stuff trickles down to us in street level operations. But I'll pick your brain on the future, at a much more reasonable hour. :ROFLMAO:
Welcome Crag/Matt and we'll get you a 3rd name before it's over. We already have 2 guys with names here. Glad you found us and Welcome to the Cadre !!
Boom! Nice intro there Matt! Welcome to the cadre. Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome to the Cadre Matt. You should have no problem fitting in with this group. We are always doing something in the name of shaving SCIENCE!
Welcome Matt! Glad to have another Californian here.

Sounds like you have some awesome shaves with those sets!

Thanks for the work you do!
Matt, welcome to The Cadre! Great introduction too!
Welcome to the Cadre! You'll definitely enjoy it here. A great group of people.

I see you mentioned your after anything citrus. I'd feel remiss if I didn't suggest Wickham's Club Cola. It has to be my favorite citrus scent.

Take a look around and join in some of the madness... err, conversations. Lol.