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Alum or Alum?


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
So in my VLOG, I mentioned something about my Alum crystal and mentioned a difference between shaving alum and deodorant alum. The Monkey said he learned something new from that, but I wanted to expand on that a little bit.

Alum is a salt crystal and is used for many many things. For our purposes it is typically used as a styptic, astringent, antiseptic, or antiperspirant. There are two different forms of Alum that we typically see.

Potassium Aluminum Sulfate, or Potassium Alum for short, is what the vast majority of Shaving Alum stones are made from.

Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate, or Ammonium Alum, is what some deodorant crystals are made from. (The majority are still Potassium alum)

Both are effective for either purpose. The Potassium Alum is milder as a styptic, as the Ammonium Alum tends to burn more.

I have the Crystal deodorant stone, the loose stone that comes on the little plastic seashell dish. That one is Ammonium Alum. I actually bought it as a deodorant stone, from the camping supply section to take with me on backpacking trips. When I got into we shaving, I learned that is was the same type of thing used for shaving, so I started to use it. I later learned it was actually a different type of alum crystal than what most folks were using for their styptic.

Styptic Pencils are different and use Aluminum Sulfate as their active ingredient. Aluminum Sulfate is ground up and mixed with a binder and formed into a stick. Whereas the Alum crystals are a solid piece of crystal, typically formed or cut from a larger crystal.
Well here I thought you were going to discuss if it's pronounced alum, or alum.
The Ammonium Alum deodorant rock does have a bit more kick to it. I used one while learning to shave, sure provides incentive to get it right. I call my deodorant rock my Hippie Rock.
So, if I am understanding this correctly, after you rub your armpits, you rub your face...
KJ, thanks for the information. I think I remember some of this when I bought my alum block. Bit that was over 5 years ago and I forgot what I knew.
Hi, thanks for the info on this. Are there any downsides to using an alum block? I've noticed it's not part of a regular routine for a lot of folks i see online, just wondering why?
Hi, thanks for the info on this. Are there any downsides to using an alum block? I've noticed it's not part of a regular routine for a lot of folks i see online, just wondering why?

The only downside I’ve had is that it often drys out my skin more than I like, necessitating that I use more moisturizer.
Hi, thanks for the info on this. Are there any downsides to using an alum block? I've noticed it's not part of a regular routine for a lot of folks i see online, just wondering why?
I never felt it did anything for me to use for daily use. I only use it as a styptic to close up cuts/weepers, if I get them.

I know Josh uses it daily, and it’s his judge of how good of a shave he got. No sting from alum means it was good.
I never felt it did anything for me to use for daily use. I only use it as a styptic to close up cuts/weepers, if I get them.

I know Josh uses it daily, and it’s his judge of how good of a shave he got. No sting from alum means it was good.

Thanks for that ??
Hi, thanks for the info on this. Are there any downsides to using an alum block? I've noticed it's not part of a regular routine for a lot of folks i see online, just wondering why?
Yes, I think the only down side is if it dries your skin too much. I found out the first time I used it, that I need to rinse it off after a little bit. And as mentioned some people don't find a benefit. For me, I need every little thing that helps with razor burn, and I find alum plays a role in that.