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Advice for shavers who suffer from ingrown hair?


“The Disney Princess’s Apprentice”
Looking for advice on what worked for you for those of you (if any?) who used to have (or still do have) issues with ingrown facial hair.

I was approached this evening for help by a friend who is using carts and canned Barbasol daily. He’s constantly dealing with facial irritation and what I believe to be ingrown stubble.

I broached the subject of adding witch hazel to his post shave and also not trying so hard to get BBS. I did ask if he’s tried shaving every other day, but he said it just makes the issues worse. He normally shaves in the shower as well.

I’m going to let him rest drive a mild traditional shaving setup for a little while to see if it improves his issues.

Any particular products I should point him towards otherwise? Anything else/advice that he might try?

I’m going to see him again Sunday, so time is of the essence. Thanks dudes!
That was one of the reasons I switched to wet Shaving. Once I switched things cleared up a lot pretty fast
Good to know; I’m hoping it’ll be that easy! Figured I’d ask the question in case there was more to it.
I still get them every now and then, usually when I'm chasing that BBS. Going atg kills me if I don't do it right. So yeah, I think you have the right idea telling him not to chase the BBS. Witch hazel helps me a little, but it all goes back to technique.
What worked for me when I Switched to Traditional shaving. Is Always-use an ( Alum ) block after Every Shave.

I also used to suffer ingrown’s when I lived in the Carts World Back in 1982
But Then when I switched the World became a better place. Don’t get me wrong I still get one every now and then.

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Just switching from a cart to a DE should help tremendously! Adding a good shave soap instead of canned foam will also help. Good post shave product, and preshave regimen (like shower before shave) will also help. Pretty basic stuff here, but everything we do her is better for your skin than what he is probably currently doing.
He may want to clean his razor. I know carts usually get a rinse and that's it. Every time I change a blade on my DE, I wash it all with soap and hot water & a tooth brush dedicated to cleaning the razor. Though we use soap everyday and soap is supposed to kill bacteria, I think shaving soap residue can build up and harbor bacteria.

Yeah, I agree with others, if your friend can start wet shaving things will change. I used to have this hair that would grow under the top layer of my skin. You could see the thing under the skin and I'd have to pull it out with tweezers. It never got red or infected, but it never happened again once I started wet shaving.
So yes ditch the cart if willing. But if not ask what his aftershave regiment is. I remember when cart shaving I stuck to as cold of water a I could possibly get to close those pores quickly! Then usually old spice alcohol based aftershave I could get at the store.
That was one of the reasons I switched to wet shaving. I have eczema so my skin is easily irritated and cartridges and electrics tore my skin up. I switched to a Vander Haagen DE and the irritation lessened significantly. Then when I went to a straight and changed up my routine I noticed a huge difference. I don't know if this helps, but I exfoliate my face prior to my shave, then I lather up one time to soften my whiskers, then one pass WTG, one pass XTG, then lather again for moisturizing. Since I switched to that routine I haven't had any problems.
The causes of ingrowns are:

1. using too much pressure (common with multi-blade disposables & cartridge razors) thereby cutting hair below skin level

2. shaving over an area repeatedly, i.e., too many passes thereby cutting hair below skin level

3. shaving ATG when you shouldn't be thereby cutting hair below skin level

4. using a razor far more aggressive than your needs thereby cutting hair below skin level

See the common theme?

Using a salicylic acid toner post shave helps greatly, but that is treating the effect and not the cause.
I never understood this. I don't have an issue with ingrown hairs but when I shave I obviously get the hair cut below skin level as I can't feel it when running my hand over the face. I mean isn't that our goal.....
I never understood this. I don't have an issue with ingrown hairs but when I shave I obviously get the hair cut below skin level as I can't feel it when running my hand over the face. I mean isn't that our goal.....
Shaving below the surface doesn’t mean you’ll get an ingrown. If you are prone to getting ingrown hairs, shaving below the surface can be the main cause.
I used to get them when I was using carts many years ago and when I switched to a DE razor and using shaving soap/cream and bowl & brush I didn’t have a problem anymore I always get shaves where the hairs are below the skins surface and have no issues with ingrown hairs. Good post shave products can help for those that are more prone to getting them but I’d just get him to throw away the plastic cart in the garbage and switching to a DE or SE razor and never looking back. Tell him the bonus is not only a better shave and probably a cure for the ingrown hairs but he’d be helping the environment as well as 2 1/2 billion carts were thrown into landfills this past year alone! Next we got to get the ladies to loose the carts as well.. Lol