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Additional Stropping before Final Pass


Jr. Shave Member
Hello All,
Question for y'all.

How many of you find it necessary to perform an additional stropping before your 3rd or final pass?

I recently got a VTG razor honed by a well known / highly regarded honemeister who seems to know what he's doing and I'm somewhat dismayed by the lack of smoothness I was hoping for. I do keep expectations in check as I know it can't compete with machined artist club blades though.

During my last shave I decided to strop again for about 20 laps prior to my 3rd pass and it seemed to make a world of difference even though I already stropped on linen and leather prior to my shave. Wondering if this is the case with Sheffield steel, my particular razor, or just my preference?
I’m no expert with traditional SRs (favoring the Tedalus Essence for ease of use and maintenance) but there’s no reason it can’t be both.

Some steels will struggle to hold good/keep edges. Edge degradation with use is a real thing. It never hurts to realign or freshen your edge regularly. A sharper edge will usually feel better on the face (when handled well) and give a smoother shave.
I’m no expert with traditional SRs (favoring the Tedalus Essence for ease of use and maintenance) but there’s no reason it can’t be both.

Some steels will struggle to hold good/keep edges. Edge degradation with use is a real thing. It never hurts to realign or freshen your edge regularly. A sharper edge will usually feel better on the face (when handled well) and give a smoother shave.
Oh man are you lucky to have one of those! I have a Feather SS but it's no Essence. Hopefully they'll get back on the market some day.
I don’t strop between passes as a plan, but I will if I need to. I give it a firm stropping before the shave and that usually does it.
Do you know the finishing stone they used? i thought i liked laser sharp synthetic edges finished with diamond paste until i managed to achieve one myself and it was horrible! These days i use a coticule followed by an Arkansas for a bit of crispness and that for me is comfortable without feeling dull or so terrifyingly sharp you're scared to use it.

Do you know the finishing stone they used? i thought i liked laser sharp synthetic edges finished with diamond paste until i managed to achieve one myself and it was horrible! These days i use a coticule followed by an Arkansas for a bit of crispness and that for me is comfortable without feeling dull or so terrifyingly sharp you're scared to use it.

I am pretty much naturals only. Every shaver figures out what works on their face. I have not met synthetic or paste that my face likes. I love butter smooth and smoking keen. Jnats, Arks, and Coti on oil do me just right. I stay in my lane, that’s what works for me.
Do you know the finishing stone they used? i thought i liked laser sharp synthetic edges finished with diamond paste until i managed to achieve one myself and it was horrible! These days i use a coticule followed by an Arkansas for a bit of crispness and that for me is comfortable without feeling dull or so terrifyingly sharp you're scared to use it.

1,5,8 then a JNAT as a finisher. If all it takes is an additional stropping before the last pass, than I'm fairly happy with it. It cuts through my beard just fine but nowhere near as comfortable when there is a few days growth length. I have another razor i just got in that was finished on synthetic 12K Naniwa and .5micron CBN paste that I'm dying to try but I need to get it re-scaled.
I rarely find that I HAVE to strop between passes but I have done it when the blade isn't feeling right. You didn't mention specifically but I assume you used the leather strop? I have stropped between passes using my flax linen strop and the result has typically been a keener feel (not necessarily smoother but definately more capable).