The Shaving Cadre

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A Walk in the Cretaceous

It was beautiful here today, with blue sky traced by a few wispy clouds and temperatures in the mid-70s. We went for a walk and saw some tiny dark purple-black berries I hadn't noticed before. Perhaps one of you knows what they are.

And we saw what looked like figs, which I also don't think I have seen before. I would have thought our winters to be too cold for the plants. Figs apparently have been dated to the cretaceous era.

And finally, also from the cretaceous, some roaming front-yard velociraptors.
Yes, Poke Berries. I have them all over my property. And I just learned that figs grow here in Missouri. I want to plant them now.
This is interesting. I'm not going to test it by tasting any of them, but someone else has told me they look like delicious elderberries.
Now that I'm on a computer nd not looking at a small pic on my phone, I think you're right. They look more like elderberries.